What a wonderful idea!!!
The Library of L190 Avàllon (https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...p?tid=4925)
would be more than happy to participate and share all its knowledge!
Here you can find books about any kind of magic, geography, science and mysteries and, why not, also some novels!
Don't worry if some of them are too old to travel: they can easily be copied and shared with no problems!
Just ask to 549 Ghost
and 923 Atlantys
and they will help you in finding what you need!
319 Brysa
https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...hp?tid=956 manages the section about alchemy and is always ready to give a hoof!
886 Boudicca
Y392 Dhaulagiri
942 Tesla
529 Hen-Edu-Anna
are ready for deliver both copies of any book you can find in Atlantys' library to everyone and to every land, expecially if the knowledge is usefull for the good and for fighting against curses and for solving problems!
The only payment required is a book in change for a book! n.n
(Hope all will work! Really, that project is interesting and sounds funny! Would like to make some art about!!!)
What a wonderful idea!!!
The Library of L190 Avàllon (https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...p?tid=4925)
would be more than happy to participate and share all its knowledge!
Here you can find books about any kind of magic, geography, science and mysteries and, why not, also some novels!
Don't worry if some of them are too old to travel: they can easily be copied and shared with no problems!
Just ask to 549 Ghost
and 923 Atlantys
and they will help you in finding what you need!
319 Brysa
https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...hp?tid=956 manages the section about alchemy and is always ready to give a hoof!
886 Boudicca
Y392 Dhaulagiri
942 Tesla
529 Hen-Edu-Anna
are ready for deliver both copies of any book you can find in Atlantys' library to everyone and to every land, expecially if the knowledge is usefull for the good and for fighting against curses and for solving problems!
The only payment required is a book in change for a book! n.n
(Hope all will work! Really, that project is interesting and sounds funny! Would like to make some art about!!!)
"Immagination is the only weapon in the war against reality!"