Swamp - Blessed
Quests Make a Voodoo doll/Potion for a Witchdoctor and Find a sunken Treasure in the bog have been received. The Gods are pleased with your actions.
The items have been added to your bank.
The RNG Gods have smiled upon you and blessed your Quests with a Favourable outcomes!
Once 26 Lucian completes all the Regions Quests a Blessing from the Selected Region will be rolled for their land.
Please reply back to this thread with your completed Quests
Quests Make a Voodoo doll/Potion for a Witchdoctor and Find a sunken Treasure in the bog have been received. The Gods are pleased with your actions.
The items have been added to your bank.
The RNG Gods have smiled upon you and blessed your Quests with a Favourable outcomes!
Once 26 Lucian completes all the Regions Quests a Blessing from the Selected Region will be rolled for their land.
Please reply back to this thread with your completed Quests