Featuring: 310 Efisio, 409 Nightshade, 1757 Idalia, 1289Y Dancing in the Moonlight (Ori), 1290Y Dance with the Devil (Mavuto/Mav), 314 Rohelia, Y459 Vangelis, Frysil, Pandora
Special Guests: Y467 Heliodoro, 1551 Hesperia, 388 Menodora, 1767 Briar Rose, 1768 Vittorie, Eadwine, Radiance, Sonnet (I'm pretty sure that's every one)
Featuring: 310 Efisio, 409 Nightshade, 1757 Idalia, 1289Y Dancing in the Moonlight (Ori), 1290Y Dance with the Devil (Mavuto/Mav), 314 Rohelia, Y459 Vangelis, Frysil, Pandora
Special Guests: Y467 Heliodoro, 1551 Hesperia, 388 Menodora, 1767 Briar Rose, 1768 Vittorie, Eadwine, Radiance, Sonnet (I'm pretty sure that's every one)