Stray Relocation Center

Welcome to our Stray Relocation Center, where you can adopt an available Stray.  Please take a moment to carefully read over how our Stray Relocation program works and who is eligible for what.   

Adopt A Stray Quirlicorn

Who can adopt from our Stray Relocation Center:

  • Stray Quirlicorns can currently be adopted by anyone however there are some exceptions. 
  • Most Strays may only be adopted by Newbies. Newbies are users who do not currently and have not in the past already owned a Quirlicorn.  
  • Genos, Basic imports, Quirlicorns with little or no Chime, will be available to Newbies only.  
  • Members who already own 1 or more Quirlicorns may adopt the Strays of higher value (Special imports/Strays with high Chime count/Land Owning Quirlicorns).  This is so that well established Quirlicorns don’t end up in homes where they may never see the light of day again.  
  • Strays will have their adoption eligibility listed so please pay close attention before applying to adopt a Stray.  

How To Adopt A Stray Quirlicorn

Applying to adopt a Stray doesn’t automatically guarantee that you will get it.  Please put some thought into your answers as we’ll go through the applications with the intention of finding the best possible homes for our Strays.  While we don’t expect you to write us an essay on why you want to adopt a particular stray, we ask that you please be honest about your intentions.  Honesty has the best way of getting your sincerity across, even if you’re only writing a few lines. 

Terms, Conditions, and other Technicalities


  • When adopting a Stray Quirlicorn you agree to leave all previous breeding slots as is.
  • You may not remove names from the breeding list, nor may you apply new restrictions to their use. 
  • To ensure Strays find good homes, we have a 30 day Registration rule for Quirlicorns that get adopted.  Failing to register your Adopted Quirlicorn on time may result in the group reclaiming it.  If you have an emergency preventing you from registering on time, please contact the group for an extension to avoid reclaiming.  

Available Strays

Available Starters:

ID *042

  • Select Name, Gender
  • All Breeding Slots yours
  • (Not eligible for Phoenix Touch)
Available for Newbies

I'm ready! Where can I adopt a Stray?

Adopting strays is pretty simple, just stop by our Stray Relocation Center Forum and post a thread with the following information: 

  • Please title your thread: Adoption Application

  • ID# of Quirlicorn that you wish to adopt:
  • Do you currently or have you ever previously owned a Quirlicorn?
  • What drew you to this breed?
  • What drew you to this particular Quirlicorn?
  • Tell us a bit about your plans for the Quirlicorn:
  • Do you intend to use a Phoenix Touch on this Quirlicorn?

Have unwanted Quirlicorns you'd like to rehome?

We understand that sometimes life happens or maybe you just aren’t meshing right with certain characters.  If you find yourself in this position and would like to help your old friend(s) find a new loving home, we recommend checking out our The Whole Horse Forum

This is a place where you can list any Quirlicorns or genos you own that you’d like to rehome.  

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