Welcome to this months Joust Pas d'Armes Sign up thread!
To sign up for this months Joust Pas d'Armes, please comment below with the following information:
To sign up for this months Joust Pas d'Armes, please comment below with the following information:
- Entering with Quirlicorn: (please include a link to your Quirlicorns log)
- Magic unlocked:
- Other tidbits: (any other information you feel is important for your partner to know about)
- Sign up Deadline: Sep 5th, 11:59PM CST
- Early Entry Deadline: Sep 18th, 11:59PM CST
- Submission Deadline: Sep 31st, 11:59PM CST
All Quirlicorns entering this months joust must be converted to have their logs on our website. If you wish to enter with one that hasn't been converted yet you must first submit a conversion thread before posting here.
Beep Beep, comin' through!