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Astralseed Offline

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If you are looking for partners to RP with please reply to this thread. 
We encourage everyone to include any relevant info about what kind of Role Playing they would like to do, what kind of partner they are looking for etc. 

Be as detailed as you feel is necessary to help match you with the right partner.  
If you see someone who matches what you're looking for, simply send them a Private Message to get the ball rolling. 

Happy Role Playing 
Heart Heart Heart

[Image: yd2rufct]
Beep Beep, comin' through!

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DozingBear Offline

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Hello! This is my first post on the website! WHOOP WHOOP!  Smile
Anyway, I would love to RP with anyone! Most my quirls already have personality (I think the only one who doesn't is Pickaxe) and would love to interact with others! 
I can play serious RPs and just joshing around RPs, I prefer either a lot of small posts throughout the day or one or two longer posts throughout the week. By longer I means more than a paragraph. I prefer simple casual role-play and I'm not much for ERP at all (just throwing that out there since a lot of people seem to enjoy that). uhhhh, let me think, what else....Oh, I prefer English but I can write in other languages since Google Translate is a thing, and I prefer to discuss a general outline of the game before any actual play. This doesn't mean plotting out the whole story, but I'd like to know where the game is going and whether we'd just be adding on as we feel like it or if we'd have a planned ending or whatever. 
I think that covers everything? Feel free to shoot me a message! I look forward to RPing with you!  Big Grin

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men....

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Bay-Blade Offline

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I would love to try my hand at rping again! 

Here is what I look in an rp partner/guidelines:
- Willing to do about half a chime's worth of writing per post (125 words)
  • This is so it feels like we're both putting something in and give something for the other person to play off of!
- Once a week or once every two weeks at minimum expected for replies
  • I get that we all are busy and sometimes the motivation isn't there to write so I don't expect too much activity as long as I hear back from you in two weeks. (And I don't mind waiting longer if you reach out and let me know that it might be longer and let me know the general timeframe)
- Plot the basic idea of what we want to rp
  • I have trouble writing with little or no direction when starting off, so it helps to know where we plan to go with it
- I am down with any themes but it has to fit the characters!
  • What this means is that I am not going to rp a serious roleplay about investigating murders with Haywire, because he probably won't care. However, if I did it with Shenxin, he would care a lot and put a ton of thought into it.
- I tend to go by the rule of our characters have to have interacted in some way before for us to have some serious, more grounded relationship (ie lovers/close friends/enemies ect.)
  • This means that there needs to be art/writing/rps that illustrate it. This is because it helps me be grounded in how to write my character around your character. If you say they are close friends, but never have we planned it out or shown how they interacted, it makes it difficult for me to write an entire rp based on that if that makes sense. 
- I am happy to rp with multiple people in one rp or multiple characters in one rp
  • I just ask that we all be on the same page! Don't suddenly throw in a new character or rper without discussion. 
Current List of Characters I will RP(but not limited to! Feel free to Ask):
@Haywire - Click Here for Personality/Appearance 
@Shenxin - Click Here for Personality/Appearance 
Justin (464 My Hero, My Savior) - Click Here for Personality/Appearance 
Finnegan (500 Charles Finnegan) - Click Here for Personality/Appearance
Morpheus (562) - Click Here for Personality/Appearance
Nox (703 Maera Nox) - Click Here for Personality/Appearance
Fraeya (Y486) - Click Here for Personality/Appearance
Neptune (505GF) - Click Here for Personality/Appearance

Feel free to reach out to me here(PM) or via discord(Baylili00#2536) if you would like to RP or have any questions for me!
Thanks for looking <333

[Image: 58398778_L6HfA1CZYvTY7XY.png]

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Damien Offline

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Hi there =)

I RP since quite a while on a nearly daily basis, but never in a horselike community. Im german, so im not perfecti n english. I think I get along pretty well, but typos or maybe strange words can happen, like my current RP partner in OJ Fandom doesnt know some words my translation site spits out lol xD (I dont translate whole things, but If I dont know a word I use that site to translate it, and sometimes it makes no sense in the content. If that happens in RP with me, just ask me about it ^^ Best way to do so is via Discord anyway =D)

I have a looot of Quirlicorns but only a few have a true personality. And from those, I would restrict myself to those 3 for RPring at the moment :

Damien https://www.deviantart.com/damienmuerte/...-805747331
Damien is definitely my sweetest boy. His character is very old, I have "him" since 2004. Usually hes a fancharacter from Osmosis Jones, but beeing turned into a quirlicorn doesnt change his character at all, just his body lol =D He gained kind of the same abilities Im used that he has already. He is weak through his condition, shy and insecure. Hes the typical person that gets bullied for his behavior and well, all he wants for is a place to belong.

Wonder http://damienmuerte.deviantart.com/journ...-226142195
Wonder was my first Quirlicorn. Shes not a fighter, her abilities are full on healing, though she can use the necromancy part to let others fight her fights ^^;; She is self confident and outgoing, but always there to help if help is needed.

Raven http://damienmuerte.deviantart.com/journ...-324436855
Raven is my evil monster. He got his horn damaged in a fight and lost his mind ever since, bringing havoc to whereever he goes to. I prefer the other two, but if an Antagonist is needed, he is my contribution XD

I can reply -most- times at least once every day, but when work is hard Im coming home at midnight, it might happen that I skip such days then. I am no "one sentence" replier, but I dont like to be forced into long paragraphs if the story doesnt fit for them at the moment. Like, RPs always have times to write much, and it also has moments where there is not much to write about.
I can play third person or first person.
I prefer 2 player RPs as its easier to keep it on, but if people try to get a multiplayer one running, I might give it a try. I just made the experience that if one of the players lacks time, it miiiight happen that the others keep playing on and the one person is left behind - which is unfortunately sad then. That depends on the RP rules, then =D
Plotwise... I am not the big planner. I am okay with it if the RP has a kind of direction in which its going, but I shy away from completely thoroughly planned RPs, as it leaves no room for sudden turns and happenings - which is what makes RP so much fun for me =)

If youre interested, feel free to shoot me a Discord message <3 (Or PN here if you want)

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Asoraam-Feire Away

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Aight, internet ate me.

Anyways, I'd love to try my hand at quirl RP.

I mainly wanna focus on Cloria because I wanna get her to deity status. But, here's literally all my babies: https://toyhou.se/AsoraamFeire/character...er:1235889

Some important info:

- I may only reply once or twice most days.
- Give me something to work off of if you want to do mainly long replies. I've had too many experiences with detailed RP where most of the other person's replies were just filler with no actual interaction or points of interest.
- While I do prefer long replies, short replies mixed in are okay and very much encouraged. Also...I prefer literary style.
- I'd want to discuss what kind of plot we're doing. Though I don't like things being completely planned because I like doing twists.
- 1x1 is much preferred. But if there's turn-based rules on a group RP, I'm all for it. (I've joined group RPs only to be left in the dust.)
- Relationships are preferred to occur organically(as in they form during an RP).  Shipping is unlikely with my older pones because most have set partners.
- I rarely RP with animals, so please be patient with me.
- I'm okay either doing over discord, in TH, or in the forums. I cannot do anything over DA because I can't even access my notes let alone answer them.
- I'm better when I can do multiple characters at once, but am willing to do RPs focused entirely on two characters.
- I do not do ERP. If there is a point where two characters are going to do the nasty, I would prefer a time skip or, if we are playing multiple, fade out the characters until they're done. This is one I won't budge on.

- While I'm okay with darker themes, anything that has a long-term impact on any character should have the consent of all players involved. (Again, past RP experiences. I've had people put my OCs in toxic situations without my consent before)

To contact me...message me here, discord(Asoraam Feire#7850), or TH(AsoraamFeire)

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Aedrielle Offline

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Hello all!

I will start off by saying that I can be long winded in replies from time to time, but I don't tend to average super long replies. My first posts tend to be longer to help set up the scene/character especially if I have the starting post, but don't often stay the same length. 

What I'm Looking For

I am happy to do both longer RPs as well as smaller ones. I am happy with shorter replies as long as they have content (IE, not just "He nodded"), and will do my best to match lengths with my partner(s). 

I love a good plot, but also like the occasional lighthearted non-plot heavy RPs. I prefer if plot is discussed beforehand so we both have an idea of where the story is going to go, and that all major plot twists that would alter the storyline in a significant way are discussed. Smaller plot twists that don't change the main storyline are fine with me. I do have some ideas for certain characters that I would love to see developed!

I can RP multiple characters with ease, but for the ease of our chime admins would prefer to only RP one Quirl in each RP. That doesn't mean that other Quirls of mine won't have a cameo, but other than the main Quirl of the RP they won't have much interaction beyond a few posts. 

Time Frame
I am normally online a high portion of the week, and would prefer someone who is also able to reply once or twice a week. Life happens, and I would appreciate notice if it will be a while before a reply, especially if it is with multiple people. 

I tend to focus better when RPs are in smaller groups (2-3 people), but am happy to participate in larger partner groups. For more developed plots I do prefer a smaller group of people RPing just because it is easier to keep track of everything.

I don't care too much about keeping things in a strict timeline, so if you want to RP with a character in a different RP as well that's perfectly fine. My characters tend to exist in fluid timelines so for technicality sake, they end up in multiple places in a similar timeframe. 

I'm happy to have any of my Quirls form relationships, be it friendships, enemies, partners, whatever! I just ask that if a relationship is formed, it is formed within the RP (aka we dont just jump in and they are insta friends).

My Characters

Khaalida - Khaali is probably my most developed Quirl. I have multiple plot ideas for her, and she owns a plot of land in the Mountain Range for anyone who would like to RP with her! She is a younger Quirlicorn who had a prophecy given at her birth that she was born to be a Queen. This is her driving force, and she is currently growing her kingdom (faction available in the factions thread!), as well as acquire more land and relationships with other Quirlicorns. 
Romantic Relationships - Closed
Friendships/Companions - Open
Her Land - Open for new members

Eira - Eira is a newer gal, who recently decided to tell me she wants to have land. Shes currently in her quest to get land, and would be happy to make friends along the way! Her planned magics are Water based, and I'm happy to have her discover her magics within the RP. She is a sweet girl, young and somewhat innocent. She is still trying to figure herself out and what she truly wants in life. Eira was born in the middle of a snowstorm, and for unknown reasons her mother left her in the Icy region by herself. She mostly raised herself, and has a love for the Icy region so is normally found there. 
Romantic Relationships - Semi Open, shes still young and innocent of the world
Friendships/Companions - Open

These are the two I would like to RP with most! However my other Quirls are available for RP purposes as well, feel free to ask!

Feel free to message me here or on Discord (Freydis#4514) if you are interested!

[Image: 43946337_3JMdherxG8QKHQs.gif]

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Storm Offline

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Going to try and get back in to the whole rping stuff I'm not really good at it at the moment but I'm sure I'll get better the more I do it. I'm not really picky on how the rp goes as long as it is what we both like.

My RP Guidelines

-Brainstorm some ideas first then choose one that we like best.

-Figure out which quirls would best fit the story

-choose who starts first (I probably will start just to set the theme)

-I'm willing to rp with more then one person I don't care how many the more the merrier right lol.

-Keep each reply to at least 3 sentences so they're not so short or one worded.

-At least try to really describe what your quirl is doing in each reply and described things around them if need be like wind blowing through there hair or grass moving under their hooves. Just make it detailed.

-I get that we are all busy right now and that's fine but if you get to busy to reply when its your turn post that you're busy or something so I'm not waiting a week or more on read or something and not know what's up.

All my quirls i will be using for any rp https://toyhou.se/StormSoulSeeker/charac...der:802964
(Might add more to this in the future)
[Image: 21184531_5qgLyEjL6TWa3Fx.png]

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QueenSunshineMonster Offline

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Hmm... I'd like to try my hand at an RP or two Smile

Length wise... Probably about 125~ or so words (I can probably do about 200-300 words a post max, without going off on some random tangent about dumplings, I'm admittingly not the best when it comes to lengthier replies)

Don't care too much about how quick replies are, although I'll try to reply within a day or two (depending on school, I unfortunately have no control over when I end up with tests in every single class on the same day)

Also don't care where the RP is, through docs/discord/forums/whatever. And poke me if you want to RP through whatever, fastest reply will be through discord though. 

I would like to have a rough, general plot, but don't care much about serious vs more fun vs whatever plots, just as long as it fits the quirlicorn. (Aka Radiance would fail quite miserably in a more serious RP)

Characters: Don't care, I'd be happy to RP with any and all of mine. I'd prefer just two people RPing, no preference for number of characters involved (But preferably no randomly tossing in characters)
- The quirlies that I'd love to RP with the most are: Minuet/Sonnet (package deal, can't get one without the other  Tongue ) , Psychomyth, Resplendence, Luxaetera, Noxaeterna, and Percuka

[Image: JkUuIJw.png]
"Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ"

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