- Quirlicorns Log: https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...hp?tid=381
- Character Personality: Damien is the sweetest boy you could find. He is a total pushover, far too kind for this world and for this and his condition (he suffers Epilepsy) he has been bullied a lot. Though he would not fight for his own good, he can show his teeth if it is to protect his friends and family. He is due to his condition and past, very skinny. Once he thaws up, he is a joyful and funny friend to be around. It is not possible to lie to him, as he is an empath that can pick up your real intentions very easy. He tries to be the best he can for you.
- Region Preference: Desert, Plains, Mountain
- Communication preference with your partners: Discord, but can do DA
Letting The Cat Out of the Bag - Lore Event
01-02-2022, 10:38 PM
Hosted by Kaons. Skin by eshye.
Header image by Daniele Levis Pelusi.