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Damien Offline

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Posts: 259
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Favorite color: DamienMuerte
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Hi there =)

I RP since quite a while on a nearly daily basis, but never in a horselike community. Im german, so im not perfecti n english. I think I get along pretty well, but typos or maybe strange words can happen, like my current RP partner in OJ Fandom doesnt know some words my translation site spits out lol xD (I dont translate whole things, but If I dont know a word I use that site to translate it, and sometimes it makes no sense in the content. If that happens in RP with me, just ask me about it ^^ Best way to do so is via Discord anyway =D)

I have a looot of Quirlicorns but only a few have a true personality. And from those, I would restrict myself to those 3 for RPring at the moment :

Damien https://www.deviantart.com/damienmuerte/...-805747331
Damien is definitely my sweetest boy. His character is very old, I have "him" since 2004. Usually hes a fancharacter from Osmosis Jones, but beeing turned into a quirlicorn doesnt change his character at all, just his body lol =D He gained kind of the same abilities Im used that he has already. He is weak through his condition, shy and insecure. Hes the typical person that gets bullied for his behavior and well, all he wants for is a place to belong.

Wonder http://damienmuerte.deviantart.com/journ...-226142195
Wonder was my first Quirlicorn. Shes not a fighter, her abilities are full on healing, though she can use the necromancy part to let others fight her fights ^^;; She is self confident and outgoing, but always there to help if help is needed.

Raven http://damienmuerte.deviantart.com/journ...-324436855
Raven is my evil monster. He got his horn damaged in a fight and lost his mind ever since, bringing havoc to whereever he goes to. I prefer the other two, but if an Antagonist is needed, he is my contribution XD

I can reply -most- times at least once every day, but when work is hard Im coming home at midnight, it might happen that I skip such days then. I am no "one sentence" replier, but I dont like to be forced into long paragraphs if the story doesnt fit for them at the moment. Like, RPs always have times to write much, and it also has moments where there is not much to write about.
I can play third person or first person.
I prefer 2 player RPs as its easier to keep it on, but if people try to get a multiplayer one running, I might give it a try. I just made the experience that if one of the players lacks time, it miiiight happen that the others keep playing on and the one person is left behind - which is unfortunately sad then. That depends on the RP rules, then =D
Plotwise... I am not the big planner. I am okay with it if the RP has a kind of direction in which its going, but I shy away from completely thoroughly planned RPs, as it leaves no room for sudden turns and happenings - which is what makes RP so much fun for me =)

If youre interested, feel free to shoot me a Discord message <3 (Or PN here if you want)

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Messages In This Thread
RP Partner Search - Master Thread - by Astralseed - 06-21-2020, 04:56 PM
RE: RP Partner Search - Master Thread - by Damien - 07-02-2020, 06:36 PM
RE: RP Partner Search - Master Thread - by Storm - 12-06-2020, 01:44 AM

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