Thanks for participating this month, the following items will be added to your banks momentarily!
@DozingBear : 1 bronze booty box, +5 chimes, +10 chimes
@QueenSunshineMonster :1 bronze booty box, 1 silver booty box, Lesser Dew of Choice, Slot to Natural Group horse,+3 novas
@Damien : 1 bronze booty box, 10 spirals, +5 chimes
@Asoraam-Feire - 1 bronze booty box, 1 silver booty box, Lesser dew of choice, 5 chimes, 10 chimes
@Aedrielle - 1 bronze booty box, 1 silver booty box, 5 chimes, 1 nova, 100 spirals