Entering with Quirlicorn: 436 Shenxin
Magic unlocked: Zoolinguism, Shapeshifting (Human Form), Teleportation, Mountain Region (lesserr magics), Clairvoyance, Illusion Magic
Other tidbits: Shenxin really loves to connect with people. He is really well-put together and it's rare if ever that he is seen to be frazzled. He loves teaching others magic and helping them hone their abilities.
Magic unlocked: Zoolinguism, Shapeshifting (Human Form), Teleportation, Mountain Region (lesserr magics), Clairvoyance, Illusion Magic
Other tidbits: Shenxin really loves to connect with people. He is really well-put together and it's rare if ever that he is seen to be frazzled. He loves teaching others magic and helping them hone their abilities.