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Cursed Teleportation Device Test - Ketamine/Aconitum

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Astralseed Offline

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After taking some time to recover from the less than pleasant Dream Journey, Ketamine and Aconitum set out to accomplish the remaining Mountain Region Quest.  This time they had to test a Teleportation device.  
Mr Goat had been expressing concerns over this one for quite a while already, he’d even tried his best to persuade Ketamine from even choosing this task, yet here they were.  He could feel the unease in the pit of his stomach! Beside him Aconitums small familiar, a small white rabbit, seemed to share concerns as well. 
Aconitum and Ketamine on the other hand seemed quite upbeat about this new quest.  Aconitum was definitely taking an optimistic approach, after the Dream Journey going so poorly, this quest absolutely is going to be better. 
Ketamine on the other hand was just a bit of a cocky bastard.  In his mind, this would go well and if it didn’t he’d simply stay out of the drama of it all.  Ketamine glanced at Mr Goat for a moment, and then smiled.  “Yep, this is going to be okay.” he reassured himself.  

“Are we ready to get the ball rolling on this, or what are we waiting for?”  Ketamine blurted out enthusiastically.  In response, Aconitum smiled at him warmly and gave a gentle nod before walking towards him. 
The two familiars remained quiet but shared a concerned glance with each other before joining their companions.  
“Hey, wait for us!” the white rabbit shouted.  
“I guess it’s time to get going.” Mr Goat whispered under his breath so only he could hear.  After all, rhetorical remarks don’t need to be heard by others.  
The group headed west towards where the Teleportation Device was located, sharing stories of their other adventures along the way. 

A few hours later the group stopped admiring the large contraption before them.  It was at least 20 foot tall and made of metallic beams that had been painted white.  Little rivets in spiral patterns went from top to bottom of each individual beam. 
It was hard to miss the teleportation device unless you were entirely blind.  An impressive piece of architecture, the beams almost formed patterns in spite of simply being tall and straight.  Something about the way they were each angled into the ground, turned the place into something that looked more like an ice castle with icy tips from side to side.  
The group took a moment looking up at the teleportation device, admiring the simplicity bringing forth such art.  

“I guess this is the place.” Aconitum said, still admiring its beauty. 
Ketamine stepped beside her, still looking up at it as well, “I didn’t expect it to look like this.”  There was wonder in his voice, something Mr. Goat rarely saw out of the lesser Deity.  
Silence passed between the group as the Quirlicorns continued to stare up at the magnificent work of art, admiring it from top to bottom and left to right. 
“You’re going to give yourselves kinks in your necks if you don’t quit staring at it already!”  
The white rabbit wasn’t nearly as impressed with this thing as the rest were, and he wasn’t ready to deal with Aconitum complaining about kinks in her neck.  Clearly a no nonsense kind of rabbit, timid as he might appear, he had good sense and a pair of testicles to stand up to his companions.  Mr Goat was impressed with this bunny.  

“How does this thing even work?” “Do any of you know?” Ketamine asked the others. 
The purple mare shrugged before adding “I’ve only heard rumors about this thing's existence.”
“I wasn’t entirely certain it was actually real.”  She finally broke eye contact with the teleportation device to look at Ketamine.  “Maybe it has instructions on how to use it somewhere around here?” 
The white rabbit had already been searching the area for anything that resembled information about this interesting structure before them. 
“It looks like there might be something about that here.” He exclaimed from the other side of the device. 
“This dust covered plaque looks like it might have some information if we clean it off.  

“Let’s go check it out” Ketamine grinned like a little kid in a candy store, excitement evident in his tone.  Him and the others all walked over to the rabbit to see what he’d found. 
“Wow, this is really dusty, isn’t it?”  Aconitum remarked.
“I guess it doesn’t get much rain to clean it off with the structure going over it the way it does.”  “It seems to be just looming over us in this spot.” Mr Goat added.  
“Well whatever reason it’s dirty doesn’t matter, what matters is if we can clean it off.” Ketamine reached for his goat friend biting down on the scruff of his neck before flinging him onto the dirty plaque. 
“Fish Should do fe fick.” Ketamine attempted to say, Mr Goat still firmly in his mouth.  Ketamine was now swishing the poor goat back and forth, using his white fur as a rag to clean the plaque.  
Mr Goat was clearly used to this kind of treatment as he resigned himself to what was happening way too quickly. 
Both Aconitum and the Rabbit looked on in complete horror. 
“Mr Goat!” “Are you okay?” They both shouted, before rushing to his rescue.  
As they got close to reaching for him he nodded at them and gave a faint smile.  
“Ketamine, you really need to start being nicer to him, you know!”  The purple mare scolded Ketamine.  “One of these days he’s going to stop putting up with your nonsense and walk out on you!” Beside Aconitum the white rabbit was nodding along with her.  
“I would never put up with such treatment.”  He added.  

“It’s alright guys, this is just how me and Ketamine work.”  Mr Goat tried to assure the others that it was fine.  He then got to work brushing off all the dust that was now stuck in his fur.  
“Looks like you took a dust bath, buddy!” Ketamine laughed.  
“If you’d like me to thump him for you, I will.” The rabbit had his large back feet in position to fwack the lesser Deity and knock some sense into him.  
“Thank you, but no.  It’s alright.”  Mr Goat replied reflecting on the value in having allies like Aconitum and Rabbit to stick up for him.  

“If you guys are all done, let’s get to reading this thing and get our party started!” Ketamine almost sounded annoyed at the others for getting distracted.  
Everyone gathered around the plaque and sure enough it had instructions on how to use the teleportation device.  
“It looks like this will be easier than I expected it to be.” relieved by what she was reading Aconitum smiled inwardly.  
“This says only Quirlicorns can travel with the teleportation device.”  “All other creatures will be torn to shreds in the process if they attempt it.” Mr Goat’s eyes got so large they appeared to almost bulge out of his skull.  The rabbit came over to read for himself and then scurried on behind Mr Goat after confirming what had already been said.  
“I guess we have to sit this one out.” Mr Goat said just holding his breath, praying that Ketamine wouldn’t be crazy enough to suggest he try going anyway.  

“Don’t worry buddy, I may put you in dangerous situations, but I have no intention of losing you to some weird teleportation device.”  “You and the rabbit should sit this one out.” Ketamine sighed.  He very much wanted his friend to come with and experience the joys of teleportation, but his own selfishness was not worth his friends life.  
“I guess you do have some lines you won't cross, Ketamine.” Aconitum spoke up beside him. 
The pink deity shot her a brief look of displeasure before walking to the activation area. 
“Are you coming?” He asked. 
The purple mare swiftly followed behind him up onto the activation area.  

“So, the instructions said once we are up here we just need to think of a location we want to be teleported to, the machine should do the rest.” Ketamine said excitedly. 
The purple mare took a moment to think to herself.  “Ketamine, I think it might be a good idea if we think of an area that is nearby.”  “That way we won't get stuck somewhere far away from everyone if there’s no easy way to return.” She added her caution.  
“Alright, how about we try to teleport back over to the plaque?” “Our task is to test to make sure this thing even works, right?”  Ketamine replied.
“Yes, that’s a good spot.”  “Are you ready to think about it and get this quest over with?”  Aconitum looked to her teleportation partner for confirmation. 
Ketamine nodded at her and in unison they closed their eyes and began thinking about the plaque’s location.  

Red and Green sparks and electric currents started forming.  There was static in the air and the teleportation device was making sounds like it was a massive plane ready for takeoff.  
The wind picked up around them as the sparks intensified.  Small electric currents traveled in a circular motion around the two Quirlicorns in the teleportation device, their hair was dancing in the wind, making them look like a hot mess. Everything started to intensify as a loud whooshing sound grabbed hold of them.  And within a split second, there was silence.  The two Quirlicorns had been teleported. 
Mr Goat and the white rabbit looked up at their companions who were now standing beside them.  Hair still in disarray but otherwise at least they hadn;t been transported to some strange place. 
Just as everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief they all caught on to what had happened. 
Indeed the two Quirlicorns had teleported successfully, so the quest was now completed, however… Ketamine's head was on Aconitum’s neck and vice versa.  
Ketamine and Aconitum's eyes bugged out and they both looked each other up and down. 

“This was not supposed to happen!” “How did this even happen?” the purple mares head on the pink Quirlicorn's body was in a state of panic. 
Aconitum, or maybe it was Ketamine…  How could we know who is who?  Do we decide it based on just the heads or does percentage of body ownership come into play here as well? 
Either way, the Quirlicorn with Aconitum's head was starting to have a nervous breakdown. 
The one with Ketamine’s head on the other hand was taking a moment to check out this new body he was attached to “Nice!” he said while admiring the booty.  

The goat and rabbit looked at each other before bursting into small giggle fits.  “We really dodged a bullet there, didn’t we?” the goat asked. 
“Yeah, we did.”  “I guess we should see if we can find a way to fix these two though.” The rabbit replied.
After a bit of laughter, lots of embarrassment, and some existential crisis’ the four of them calmed down and started looking for a solution.  

1843 words
422 ASS Ketamine and Familiar Mr Goat
1204 ASS Aconitum Napellus and Familiar White Rabbit

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Cursed Teleportation Device Test - Ketamine/Aconitum - by Astralseed - 12-24-2021, 01:21 AM

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