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13 Wonder

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Damien Offline

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Posts: 259
Threads: 121
Joined: Jun 2020
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Favorite color: DamienMuerte
Points: 5,548.2€
#13 Wonder

Log: https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...pid=0#pid0
Toyhouse Image Hoarding: https://toyhou.se/7756152.13-wonder (Only Images NOT by me - not up to date)
Gender: Female
Genos:  [EE aa] nW nMkr nBls
Age:  114 Years
Region:  Earth / Plains/// All Regions due to nMkr

Chime Gains until current level: 
Familiar:  Spirit (Green forest spirit)
80 pts : Dazzling Eyes  (7.2014 - 12.2018 all show entries gain Triple Chime points)
Elemental Touch:  Emerald Tip of Markhor horns + Emeralds on neck, Green eel-stripe
12 extra breeding slots + 3 Chime points for foals
+ nMkr Genes 

- Necromancy 2 (can revive any dead creature)
- Healing 3 (Able to heal the wounds of any size on other beings)
- Fertility 3 - Plants grow at alarming speeds under their fertile touch
- All Psychic lesser Magics lvl 1 - 

[*]Dream projection - Able to make predictions based on dreams
[*]Clairvoyance - Prophetic visions with 90% accuracy or more
[*]Telepathy  - Able to converse with others mentally 
[*]Mediumship - Able to summon the spirits of the dead at will
[*]Empathy - Able to manipulate the emotions of those around them
[*]Aura reading - Able to manipulate the auras of living creatures 

Astral Magic: Wormhole Manipulation

 Frysil's Gift: Song Of Cleansing  from Quirlicorn Spring Equinox 2020 - Fungi Madness
Mythical Familiar -  Ifrit #13 Wonder mythical familiar

Land Aquisition:
L019 "Haven"
Moderate Temps +3
Healthy River +3
Flash Flood -2
The total land value is currently +4

L123  "Hinansho" 

Current Appearance & Abilities:

Golden Antlers with Astral Halos on the elemental touch to them. Emeralds on her Neck, Markhor mane running down her throat.  Green eel-stripe on her back until the very end of her tail. Accompanied by a spirit familiar of the forest. 
She can heal injuries and revive recently deceased. 
Wonder is pure of heart and will not use her abilities for the evil, but she is ready to defend her beloved ones, home and life if needed. She is a healer by heart and strives to be a follower of Jagmeet, Deity of the Plains.

Children: (now + 3 Chime Points for every child! )
#1205 Zeron Registration  
#1213 Innuah
#1985 Lucent

Chime Points - 1001

4 - 4 - Registration Picture by Myself
11 - 7  - #13 Wonder Design Update 2018 by Myself
15 - 4  - I Wonder on a Blue Day by masked-harlequin
17 - 2  - Wonder Commission by bluepandacat
25 - 8  - Commission: Wonder by argentievetri  (+3 Animation, +1 Show image, + 2 placed show image (Ribbon below)
27 - 2  - Commission: Wonder by moshpikachu
29 - 2  - ::Com.D: Wonder Headshot:: by devlibra-dragoness 
31 - 2  - Wonder HS by Myself
33 - 2  - Wonder by queensunshinemonster  + detailed BG +2
37 - 4  - 1/4 Wonder by lupinhallow 
41 - 4  - Wonder Fhebral by little-ferret-art 
45 - 4  - ~Wonder~ by zeepaarden 
49 - 4  - Damienmuerte By Tabini-d725oyc by araverni
53 - 4  - Commision2 By Foxdemon2431-d7aq968 by Foxdemon - Account deleted, on my HARPG Acc
57 - 4  - Commission DamienMuerte by sakisakiynana 
61 - 4  - Wonder  by queensunshinemonster
65 - 4  - https://toyhou.se/7756152.0013-wonder/gallery#43837543  by Sta-a
69 - 4  - https://www.deviantart.com/ningeko/art/P...-427027592 by NinGeko
78 - 9 - Quirlicorn Summer Solstice 2017 by Myself (+1 show image, +2 placing bonus)
87 - 9 - Quirlicorn Summer Solstice 2014 by Myself  (+1 show image, +2 placing bonus)
96 - 9  - Magical Solstice - Wonder by Myself (+1 show image, +2 placing bonus)
102 - 6  - #13 Wonder by Myself
106 - 4  - Wonder by kitkat  by kitkat on howrse - no DA Account, so uploaded on my HARPG Acc
112 - 6  - Wonder for Damian by ungnome
118 - 6  - Quirlicorn Wonder Commision For Damienmuerte B by LadyX - put in Storage, so uploaded on my HARPG Acc
124 - 6  - commission for DamienMuerte by krispz
130 - 6  - .TongueC:. Ride with the Wind by xtaintx
136 - 6  - Commission for DamienMuerte  by denise262
143 - 7  -  Wonder and Raven Animation by queensunshinemonster (+3 animation)
148 - 5  - Wonder never wonders...  by Myself (+1 familiar)
157 - 9  - Wintersolstice 2018/2019 - Drunken Magic  by Myself (+2 Chimes given in the show , +1 Show Entry) 
162 - 5  - Quirly Art Swap by toxicfriu  (+1 show bonus) (well, old appearance here ^^)
169 - 7  - Land Quest - Mountain - Kirin Scale By Myself  (+3 Familiar)
175 - 6  - Land Quest - Mountain - Save a Child from a Baba By Myself
181 - 6  - April 19 Joust  by Myself (+2 for Joust entry)
186 - 5  - Race 2019 - Week 2- Bugs by Myself (+1 Show image)
193 - 7  - Quirlicorn Joust August 2019 by Myself (+1 Show image)
197 - 4  - Itty bitty pritty Wonder by Myself
206 - 9  - Enjoying Nature by Myself (+3 Familiar) 
212 - 6  - Land Quest - Swamp - Gorgon by Myself
221 - 9  - Land Quest - Swamp - Kelpie by Myself (+3 Familiar)
227 - 6  - Land Quest - Icy - Horseshoe from Kelpie by Myself
233 - 6  - Land Quest - Icy - Recieve Perls from Clams by Myself
243 - 10  - Battle of the Birds (Joust 09-19) by Revan-dawnstar  (+4  Joust Pas d'Armes )
253 - 10 - Joust d Armes - Ketamine and Wonder  by Myself (+ 4 -> Joust Pas d'Armes
260 - 7  - #13 Wonder mythical familiar by Myself (+3 familiar)
270 - 10 - Joust Pas d Armers - Wonder and Sha`tta by Myself (+4 -> Joust Pas d'Armes ) 
280 - 10  - Joust- Lusine VS. Wonder by toxicfriu  (+4  Joust Pas d'Armes )
288 - 8  - Joust December 2019 - This is the season by Myself (+2 participation bonus) 
301 - 13 - Joust Pas d`Armes Wonder vs Map by Myself  (+3 familiar, +4 -> Joust Pas d'Armes ) 
311 - 10  - 2020 Jan Quirlicorn Joust #1 by stormsoulseeker  (+4  Joust Pas d'Armes )
320 - 9  - Land Quest - Plains - Leprechaun by Myself (+3 familiar)
326 - 6  - Jan Monthly Joust Event by stormsoulseeker
332 - 6  - https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/i...3GojH5.png  by Myself with Astralseeds Lines =)
344 - 10 - Joust Pas dArmers - Wonder and Luminescent Wendigo by Myself (+4  Joust Pas d'Armes )
354 - 10 - Sky-high Impasse - Wonder vs. Lusine by toxicfriu  (+4  Joust Pas d'Armes )
356 - 2 - 99 by the-day-of-shadow
362 - 6 - Land Quest - Desert - Nagas scale by Myself
368 - 6 - Land Quest - Desert - Offering to a dragon by Myself
374 - 6 - 11.04sai21 by KANELBUlllE 
380 - 6 - Meeting a friend by Myself
384 - 4 - Nash12-4 by nash12 on Howrse.com
390 - 6 - Quirlicorn Chibi Batch by Myself
399 - 9 - Quirlicorn Spring Equinox 2020 by Myself (+1 show image, +2 entry bonus -> Quirlicorn Spring Equinox 2020 - Fungi Madness
405 - 6 - Meadow by walerinaa
407 - 2 - Commission: Wonder by atramis 
409 - 2 - Random Quirlicorns by queensunshinemonster
417 - 8 - Off to the Races 2020 - Week 4 by Myself (1x BG, 1x Fullbody, 1x Headshot)
423 - 6 - Land Quest - Windy - Offering to a crow by Myself
429 - 6 - Land Quest - Windy - Scrale of a Dragon by Myself
431 - 2 - YHH ~shimmer~ by rowanpaws
435 - 4 - Desert Rose | YHH by icestar142 
445 - 10 - https://imgur.com/CQHeobc by  Gr8ves  (+4 Joust Pas dArmes Bonus)
455 - 10 - Joust Pas d Armes - Wonder and Loki by Myself (+4 Joust Pas dArmes Bonus)
---Added old "Other" and "Literature" stuff into this line as it is easier to keep track! ---
457 - 2  - Hallows Dream by Cherry Kiss  written by Cherry kiss on Howrse - no DA Account - so on my HARPG Acc ~650 words
460 - 3  - Hallow and Wonder by Evelyn xing written by Evelyn xing  on Howrse - no DA Account - so on my HARPG Acc ~ 860 words
461 - 1  - A story about Wonder by Greenmeadows written by Greenmeadows  on Howrse - no DA Account - so on my HARPG Acc ~ 360 words
466 - 5  - Story with Wonder, Zeron and Raven by Konik8 written by Konik8  on Howrse - no DA Account - so on my HARPG Acc- ~1300 words
470 -  4  - https://www.deviantart.com/astralseed/ar...-451619638 (?) (chimes counted above)   (?)   (? dont remember the images where they counted and the ribbon was set with 4 Chime points since I have it, sorry D: )
485 - 15  - 5 Points for winning 2nd in the Summer Solstice 2014 (x3 bonus - active back then)
509 - 24  - 8 Points for Quirlicorn Summer Solstice Show 2017  (x3 bonus - active back then)
517 - 8  - https://comments.deviantart.com/1/776823510/4678481500 <- 8 chimes via Advent Calendar, 15.12.2018
527 - 10  - https://comments.deviantart.com/1/774981625/4680053544 <- 10 Chimes RNGèd for Quirlie Art Swap 12.2018
537 - 10  - https://comments.deviantart.com/1/777650649/4692795400 <- 10 Chimes RNGed for Solstice Prize 1.2019
547 - 10  - Quirlicorns 2019 Spring Hunt Wrap up <- 10 chimes won in Spring hunt 2019
557 - 10  - https://www.deviantart.com/quirlicorns/notes/2032952/ <- 10 Chimes RNGed for the Joust 4.2019
567 - 10  - Off To The Races - Event, May 2019 <- 10 Chimes RNGed for the Races 5.2019
667 - 100 (!) - Quirlicorn Advent 2019 - December 15th Won in the Advent Calendar event  15.12.2019
677 - 10 -  won in the Quirlicorn Joust 12.2019  https://www.deviantart.com/quirlicorns/a...&noffset=0
703 - 25 - from my Bank - https://www.deviantart.com/comments/39/2106320/4842473113
705 - 2 - Chime points through her daughter, Innuah #1213 Innuah Chimes
711 -  6 -  https://toyhou.se/~images/32826374  from DizaMirror on DA
716 - 5 - https://www.deviantart.com/damienmuerte/...-860545840 by Myself + 1 show bonus
723 - 7 - https://www.deviantart.com/damienmuerte/...-860547780 by Myself + 1 show bonus
733 - 10 - https://www.deviantart.com/damienmuerte/...-865042753 by Myself + 4 Joust bonus
740 - 7 - https://www.deviantart.com/damienmuerte/...-878048634 by Myself +1 Show bonus
747 - 7 - https://www.deviantart.com/damienmuerte/...-896777808 by Myself +1 show bonus
757 - 10 - https://www.deviantart.com/damienmuerte/...-897556364 by Myself + 4 Joust bonus
761 -  4 - https://toyhou.se/7756152.0013-wonder#42188746 by @LupinHallow 
773 - 12 - https://toyhou.se/~literature/109287.fal...apocalypse by Myself&Nettle +1 show bonus
779 -  6 - https://toyhou.se/7756152.0013-wonder#42836984 by @starset-xv 
999 - 220 - https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...5#pid12165 Chimes from my Bank
1001 - 2 - https://www.deviantart.com/asimpledoe/ar...-902746688 by @Humble-3 

Chime Calculator

Colorless Pieces
--- Headshot Lineart - +01 Chime
------ Headshot is less than 50% of the body visible.
--- Fullbody Lineart - +02 Chime
------ Fullbody is 60% or more of the body visible.
Colored Pieces
--- Headshot - +02 Chime
------ Headshot is less than 50% of the body visible.
--- Fullbody - +04 Chime
------ Fullbody is 60% or more of the body visible.
--- Detailed Background - +02 Chime
------ Flat colors, gradients, etc. will NOT count.
--- Simple Animation - +03 Chime
------ Simple is a small moving part (ie: a blink, an ear turn, one leg moving, etc)
--- Complex Animation - +05 Chime
------ Complex is most or all of the image moving (ie: multiple limbs moving, background motion, etc)
Literature Pieces
--- Every 250 Words - +01 Chime
------ 500 Words would be +02, 750 Words would be +03, 1000 Words would be +04, and so on.
Special Chime
--- Familiar and Companion Bonus - +03 Chime
------ Bonus only applies to the Quirlicorn the familiar or companion belongs too.
--- Training Image - +01 Chime
------ Any image showing a Quirlicorn training for a competition of any kind.
--- Show Image - +01 Chime
------ An Image made to participate in a Show or Event.
--- Placing Bonus - +02 Chime
------ Earned by a Quirlicorn for placing in a Show or Event

Chime Points & Point System: Chime Points

Wonder was Quirlicorn of the Month in March, 2021 <3  
Her saved Quotes:

Wonder was the first quirlicorn I ever drew, and has remained as one of my favourite quirlicorns to this date. Her simple purple design is just amazing, and I love this wonderful, friendly Quirly.

The majestic purple mystery mare, with her golden head pokeys ready for adventure!

Its been such a pleasure to watch Wonder grow and evolve over the years.

Wonder has been an active character in the breed since its foundation, and as the group and lore have grown, so has she. Her design and character have become testaments to the community`s growth, and she is exactly what I think about when anyone asks about developing a character. I`m always excited to see this sweet and elegant quirl grace my inbox, and hope to see more of her in the future as well!

Wonder is just wonder-ful

^^ Thank you all for this and your kind words <3 

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Messages In This Thread
13 Wonder - by Damien - 08-18-2020, 12:12 AM

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