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Ketamine Offline

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Oh wow, hallucination tea sounds amazing!  We have to try that for sure, screw minced meat and fish tea!  
You know, if you're ever bored in the Astral Region I have a big lake and some non lake land, you're welcome to come visit.  I can show you around and we can find ways to pass the time, it could be wild.  
If we're lucky we might even get a glimpse of @Zahavah, she never stays to talk though.  


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Coyote- There you are.... What did I tell you about talking to strange stallions? Especially- very strange stallions. 
C'mon, it's time to go home.

Greetings Khaalida, I apologize to cut your get together short.

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Ketamine Offline

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Who are you calling a stallion?  We're all mares here... today at least. 


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Khaalida Offline

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I've only visited once, but once I get a better sense of direction I will have to visit! @Zahavah does seem a bit elusive, even more so than @Aberfa! Aberfa has at least shown up a few times to give me fun puzzles to do. 

On the note of hallucinogenic tea, I'd love to but I do have some paperwork to finish at some point. It might not be the best idea. Though if you two would like to try some I'm sure we could get some!


Oh Hello Shaakir, we were just about to have tea, possibility hallucinogenic. Would you like to join us?

[Image: frey_burton_comple-by-Arborath-smol.png]

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Coyote Offline

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Shaakir did you just assume this strangers gender???

OHHH Can we stay KirKir!!! PLEASE??

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Ketamine Offline

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You know, using that tea to write your paper might be a good idea.  Imagine how awesome it would be and all the cool things you'd come up with after drinking it.  
And if the tea doesn't hit right, we can help you wing that paper and make it work.  It will be fun and good.  

I haven't met Aberfa before, I think?  Maybe I did and I just don't remember.  I don't care much about Deities or any of that nonsense.  @Keir is cool because he has a great tail, I'd love to ride it.  
@Zahavah is simply a goddess.  I don't know about the rest.  


What do you mean Strangers?  We're all ready to drink hallucination tea together, nobody in the right mind would do that with strangers.  
Also, if you want me to be a stallion, I can be 

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47b8teh100io9dg83uua...y.gif&ct=g]


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Khaalida Offline

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I can't imagine the monthly budget if I wrote it while tripping.... We would probably end up spending way too much on random things! 

Hm, I haven't had much to do with @Keir! I suppose we keep missing each other every time I am in the swamp, but I will investigate his tail the next time I am there!



Exactly, @Shaakir! It's only neighborly to stay for tea after all, and get to be even closer friends! If you are too grumpy to be neighborly, think of it as an alliance meeting! 

[Image: frey_burton_comple-by-Arborath-smol.png]

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Ketamine Offline

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What if those random things ended up being really cool though?  Still sounds like a great idea to me.  
Try it, you'll like it! 


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