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Holiday Tradition - Mini Event

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Astralseed Offline

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Happy Holidays everyone,
one last push for rewards this holiday season.  
  • In a comment below please tell us what your wishlist item would be in Quirlicorns.  This can be things like "I wish I could have a slot to Group Horse XYZ" or "I wish I could have a miniature Quirlicorn that is very colorful" 

  • In your comment please also share your favorite holiday tradition (can be any holiday).  
Everyone who tells us about their favorite holiday tradition will have their wishlist item granted (within reason) as best as we can.  

Comments will be accepted from now through December 31st.  
Happy commenting <3

[Image: yd2rufct]
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QueenSunshineMonster Offline

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My favorite holiday tradition is the number of different foods that I get to try, or watching a movie with my family while eating copious amounts of popcorn

My wish is definitely chimes to get Sonnet closer to 3000!

[Image: JkUuIJw.png]
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Gr8ves Offline

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Honestly, I think my favorite holiday tradition, even though we don’t t e c h n I c a l l y celebrate them anymore, is just going to spend time with grandma and having good food.

She was diagnosed with Dimentia this year, and it’s been progressively rapidly getting worse, I don’t know how many holidays we have left with her, but we make each one count. For the memories, right??

So for the last reward push???

Surprise me!

[Image: xNagl.gif][Image: c6fCh.gif]


AshTheDreamer Offline

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My wish is to get more dino quirls. I love them dearly. 

Favorite holiday tradition: doing family christmas on Christmas eve so we can stay home and enjoy Christmas from Santa on Christmas day

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Bay-Blade Offline

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My favorite holiday tradition is wearing matching PJs on Christmas eve.  

My quirl wishlist?  Can never go wrong with getting more land to fill out my quirl kingdoms

[Image: 58398778_L6HfA1CZYvTY7XY.png]


Revan-Dawnstar Offline

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Holiday tradition:  We always got together and had a big meal as a family.  That's kind of dwindled since Mom's passing, but we try to do it with immediate family when possible.

Wishlist: I'd love a pretty kitsune guardian design to go with Divine Dantes. :o


Astralseed Offline

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My favorite holiday tradition is watching The Last Unicorn on xmas eve.
My wishlist item is chimes to make up for all the art I haven't had time to work on D:

[Image: yd2rufct]
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illumipyre Offline

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My favorite holiday tradition: eating a chocolate pumpkin near Halloween

Wishlist: ...as many chimes as reasonable xd
(if not chimes, then spirals/novas??)

shall we dance?


Lyricanna Offline

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I wish for some dews to do.

My favourite historical holiday tradition is that the festival of Saturnalia, which happened about now, in Ancient Greece, had the ruling class and the salves switch places for the festival and nothing the slaves did could be held against the afterwards. The role reversal was said to be very cathartic and led to numerous pranks and silly gifts.


DozingBear Offline

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My wish is for more chimes to give Loki so he'll finally shut up about wanting to be Realm Keeper because the title sounds cool

My favourite holiday tradition is my family seeing who can stay awake the longest during Christmas Eve, it's a lot of fun :3

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men....

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