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Astralseed Offline

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Welcome to our 2021 MYO Event! 

If you're ready to claim your MYO ID# please comment on this forum thread with the following: 
  • Link to your advertisement:  (please make sure it is public so we can verify it)
  • Tell us you're claiming a MYO ID#: ("I'm here for the Free Quirlicorn!")

We'll reply back to you with your MYO ID# once we have confirmed that you've advertised the event.  
Once you have your ID# you are welcome to start designing using our Official Starter Lineart.  

Once you have finished your design, please submit it to our Design Nexus so it can be approved and registered.  
Remember, you have 60 days to register your new friend, or we'll recycle your ID# and you'll lose out on getting a free MYO.  

The 1 Free Dew should be applied at the time of design approval.  If you aren't using a dew for your MYO, you can simply skip this.  

If you have any questions about the MYO you are welcome to post them on this thread as well! 

[Image: yd2rufct]
Beep Beep, comin' through!


GeneralLioness Offline

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*shoves into reply*


Website Find

Bay-Blade Offline

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Advertisement: https://www.deviantart.com/baylili00/sta...-887441102

Sneaking in this if anyone needs help with desiging: https://www.deviantart.com/baylili00/sta...-887440500

[Image: 58398778_L6HfA1CZYvTY7XY.png]


Aedrielle Offline

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Ad: Link

*Free Quirl Free Quirl Free Quirl! Grow the Hoard!*

[Image: 43946337_3JMdherxG8QKHQs.gif]


DozingBear Offline

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Link to your advertisement:  mwahahahaha

Tell us you're claiming a MYO ID#: GIMME THE CHILD!! 
[Image: image1-1.gif]

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men....


QueenSunshineMonster Offline

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Gimme the free quirlicorns~ *grabby hands*

[Image: JkUuIJw.png]
"Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ"


Lyricanna Offline

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Shared on FB and Twitter https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=296...9891497630 https://twitter.com/quirlicorns/status/1...22368?s=20
Give pls


Astralseed Offline

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(08-01-2021, 02:26 AM)GeneralLioness Wrote: *shoves into reply*


Thank you, your MYO ID# is MYOoo1 

Once you have finished your design, please submit it to our Design Nexus so it can be approved and registered.  
Remember, you have 60 days to register your new friend, or we'll recycle your ID# and you'll lose out on getting a free MYO.  

The 1 Free Dew should be applied at the time of design approval.  If you aren't using a dew for your MYO, you can simply skip this.  

[Image: yd2rufct]
Beep Beep, comin' through!


Astralseed Offline

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(08-01-2021, 04:30 AM)baylili00 Wrote: Advertisement: https://www.deviantart.com/baylili00/sta...-887441102

Sneaking in this if anyone needs help with desiging: https://www.deviantart.com/baylili00/sta...-887440500

Thank you, your MYO ID# is MYO002

Once you have finished your design, please submit it to our Design Nexus so it can be approved and registered.  
Remember, you have 60 days to register your new friend, or we'll recycle your ID# and you'll lose out on getting a free MYO.  

The 1 Free Dew should be applied at the time of design approval.  If you aren't using a dew for your MYO, you can simply skip this.  

[Image: yd2rufct]
Beep Beep, comin' through!


Astralseed Offline

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(08-01-2021, 04:41 AM)Aedrielle Wrote: Ad: Link

*Free Quirl Free Quirl Free Quirl! Grow the Hoard!*

Thank you, your MYO ID# is MYO003 

Once you have finished your design, please submit it to our Design Nexus so it can be approved and registered.  
Remember, you have 60 days to register your new friend, or we'll recycle your ID# and you'll lose out on getting a free MYO.  

The 1 Free Dew should be applied at the time of design approval.  If you aren't using a dew for your MYO, you can simply skip this.  

[Image: yd2rufct]
Beep Beep, comin' through!

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