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Letting The Cat Out of the Bag - Icy Region

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Witchcraftsy Offline

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part II - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PXlh...sp=sharing (should be able to click part two in the outline)

[Image: 22902415_69VD4OCsLekSLt0.png]


Peabody Offline

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The strange cat stepped out from behind the Icy region's Sacred Dew Tree and whistled at the Quirlicorns trying to catch him.  “Good job everyone.”  He said before stepping towards them.  
“That fish person you’re waiting for isn’t coming, it’s just me.”  The cat laughed.  “My name’s Peabody, and I would like to play a game with you all.”  
Frazzle seemed excited about getting to play a game “Oh fun, how do we play?”  
“Frazzle, I don’t think you should trust him so easily.” Epaphroditos interjected sternly.  “We don’t know anything about him.”  
“Oh, but you know my name, and isn’t that enough?”  Peabody exclaimed.  
Cait shook her head slowly before adding.  “How do we know we can actually trust you?”  “Is Peabody really your name, or are you just fooling us?”  
Epaphorditos nodded in agreement with Cait.  “That’s right, we don’t even know if that’s really your name, why would we trust you?”  
“I guess we’ll just have to do this the hard way then.”  Peabody said before opening what looked like some sort of portal which he then stepped into.  Before he could disappear from it however, he grabbed the three of them and pulled them in.  
While it was entirely unknown because nobody was sure, but Cait swore she saw that cat grow a third front leg to have enough to grab them with.  The truth may never be known however.  
Upon coming through the portal's other side it was clear that this was not part of the Quirliverse everyone knew and loved.  What was this strange place?  Everything was different.  Trees hung from the sky upside down, rivers flowed backwards, the grass came in all sorts of colors, but green was not one of them.  
This was definitely a strange, strange place.  Confusion was written on everyone’s face and before anyone had a chance to speak or ask questions about it all a voice small voice rang out from the distance. 
“Visitors?”  “Here?”  “In Entropy?” “Hi, my name is Asani.”  a tiny little Quirlicorn barely 4hh high came frolicking towards them.  
“Are you guys Quirlicorns?”  without skipping a beat they continued. “Well, it doesn’t really matter anyway.”  “You’re here and now we can all have some fun.”  A mischievous smile plastered across the small Quirlicorn's face, they smirked and magic swirled all around before changing the surroundings entirely.  This new place now looked like the regular Quirliverse.  
Could this little Quirlicorn perhaps be a long lost Deity?  Is this a new region?  Everyone was wondering what was happening yet before anyone could ask the little one answered.
“Yes, I’m a deity, and this is the Entropy region.”  “Pretty awesome, huh?”  
“My friend Peabody told me you guys would be coming, but I wasn’t sure I believed him.”  “It’s been so long since we’ve had visitors, I thought perhaps all the Quirlicorns had died.”  
The little Deity perked up.  “Now that you’re here, why don’t you check out my region.”  “We have a lot to offer, and if you find a corner you particularly like I’ll even let you keep it as long as you promise to come back to visit again.”  And without another word Asani turned and walked back off into the distance.  This new region still looked like any other, but certainly there were other strange things happening beneath the visage.  What strange things would everyone encounter in Entropy?  

Prompt: Investigate the Entropy Region

(565 Words) +3 Chimes (500 Words Literature = +2 Chimes, Event = +1)


Witchcraftsy Offline

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Cait - wants to stick together and go explore the Entropy region, being the mom
Frazzle - very excited to go check out the new region, just keeps running off ahead of the others
Epaphroditos - Wants to leave, but also doesn't want to get separated from the others, so goes along with it.

[Image: 22902415_69VD4OCsLekSLt0.png]

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xxGaea Offline

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Prompt Three


Witchcraftsy Offline

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Part 3 is at the end (should be able to click the outline) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PXlh...sp=sharing

[Image: 22902415_69VD4OCsLekSLt0.png]


Leliana Offline

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Frazzle didn’t care what either of the other two quirlicorns said, he wanted to have fun with the strange kitty cat. A kitty cat that was apparently called Peabody! What a strange name for a strange kitty. Or perhaps that fit somehow? Yeah, that probably fit perfectly for the strange kitty cat. He was all for just following but as he was trying to sneak past the other two, a feeling of being pulled actually took him straight into the portal! YEAH!!!!
                Blinking his eyes, he looked around. This area was so strange! The trees were upside down and every shade that he had ever seen and he was pretty sure there were colors that he had never seen before! What a strange and totally awesome place!
                There was this weird almost purple colored tree that almost seemed to glow that caught his attention but just as he was about to go look at it, another voice broke his concentration. A little quirlicorn had trotted up to them, practically bouncing around. This was a weird looking quirlicorn! He almost looked like Peabody with the way his body was. Asani? A lost Deity? How cool was that!? Entropy region? Frazzle had never heard of such a thing before!
                “Nice to meet you! I mean, I already met Peabody but I didn’t know that was his name at the time and we totally had a fun came of tag! Do you play games? Do you want to play a game? What is up with this region? It’s the most awesome thing I have ever seen! How do the trees do that? What color is that one? I have never seen a color like that one much less on a tree!”
                “Hey spaz! Chill out would you?” Epaphroditos stomped his hoof and was clearing wishing they were anywhere other than where they were. He snorted as things floated that should never be floating to begin with. “Why were we brought here anyways? It was against our will and all that…”
                For once Caitriona was in complete agreement with the disagreeable quirlicorn. They were pulled here when they were clearing balking at going through the portal. Well, at least two of them were wearing about entering an unknown place through a portal. Frazzle was just… Frazzle. There would have been no force on earth that would have kept him from leaping in apparently. Just as she was thinking that, the quirlicorn in question was trying to zoom off and she quickly froze his legs to the ground. “We should stick together here Frazzle. We don’t know what this area has or what dangers there could be. Okay?”
                Frazzle ended up tripping and almost falling on his face as his back legs ended up stuck to the ground. As he looked around, he noticed the ice and huffed. “They seem like perfectly fine people beings and I wanna look around!” Was he pouting? He was totally pouting. He wanted to see what this place was and all the new things! Let him look at the new things!
                After a bit of deliberation, they decided to look around while sticking together. Even if that meant that Frazzle had to be herded or frozen to the ground on occasion!

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Asani Offline

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“It looks like everyone had a good time here in Entropy.”  Asani beamed, walking towards everyone.  Beside him Peabody bowed before adding “We thank you all for joining us in Entropy.”  “It’s been such a very long time since we’ve had company.”  Asani nodded fiercely. 
It was clear that these two had spent a long time in solitude.  Perhaps that would explain some of their quirky behaviour even.  Regardless of that however, the fact that they were no longer alone meant so much to them. 
Peabody cleared his throat preparing for a small speech.  “To show our gratitude we’re sending you each home with a few gifts.”  “To start things off, each of you is getting a plot of land here in Entropy.”  Asani pushed in front of Peabody, completely interrupting him.  “This means you’ll have to come back and visit often!” 
Annoyed, Peabody rolled his eyes before casually shoving Asani back behind him. 
“Anyway… You’re each getting a plot of land, as well as one of our region's magics.” 
Asani could be heard from behind Peabody “Yes, our magic is the coolest, you’ll love it!” 
“It seems the new Sacred Dew Tree that sprouted here in Entropy is also giving each of you a blossom.”  Peabody continued. 
“It should be noted that each of these items have been added to your logs in the form of 1 Maelstrom (Entropy magic), 1 Entropy Plot of Land, and 1 Entropy Blossom.”  “These items are specific to you as Quirlicorns participating in this event, and therefore did not go into your banks.”
Asani jumped back in front of his friend and blurted out “Oh!  And you can access the Entropy region forum now too.”  Asani was practically glowing in pride and excitement “The password is Asani.”  “Just like me.” 

“For the time being you are the only Quirlicorns who have unlocked the Entropy region, however in the near future we hope to allow others to come visit here as well.”  Peabody added. 
“And since you have our region unlocked, you now also have access to the Entropy Regional Transformations.” The cat smiled, curious to see how some of these Quirlicorns might change in the coming days. 

With all the information shared, everyone wandered off to find a plot of land to call their own while Asani and Peabody remained.
“Do you think that the new Sacred Dew Tree popping up had something to do with us being able to reach the main Quirliverse again?”  The cat asked his companion. 
Asani became thoughtful but replied almost as if to themselves “Maybe the others will start appearing too.”

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