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March Joust Pas d'Armes

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Astralseed Offline

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Welcome to this months Joust Pas d'Armes Sign up thread!

To sign up for this months Joust Pas d'Armes, please comment below with the following information:
  • Entering with Quirlicorn:  (please include a link to your Quirlicorns log)

  • Magic unlocked:  

  • Other tidbits: (any other information you feel is important for your partner to know about)

  • Guardian:  (Guardian must belong to your entered Quirlicorn and have the Joust Reward blessing, you will not qualify for the blessing if you don't include your Guardian in your own piece, your partner does not need to include your guardian as it wont affect the blessing one way or another)

       Deadline Reminders:
  • Sign up Deadline: March 5th, 11:59PM CS

  • Early Entry Deadline: March 18th, 11:59PM CST

  • Submission Deadline: March 31st, 11:59PM CST 

Happy Jousting!

[Image: yd2rufct]
Beep Beep, comin' through!


Damien Offline

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  • Entering with Quirlicorn:  596 Damien    
  • Magic unlocked:  Please look in the Tracker posted above, thanks =)
  • Other tidbits:  Shy and kind guy that does not like to fight at all XD 
  • (I do not know if I will use the Guardian, but if it fits in what comes to my mind, I will)


Revan-Dawnstar Offline

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Bay-Blade Offline

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Entering with Quirlicorn:  1177 Aerene

Magic unlocked: none

Other tidbits:
  - Aerene is sweet. Just a big ole golden retriever type who loves to make friends. They love to play games and share their music tastes.
- They can have trouble with others personal space or understanding when they would rather be left alone.

[Image: 58398778_L6HfA1CZYvTY7XY.png]

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Humble-3 Offline

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Entering with Quirlicorn:  2200 Vibrant
Magic unlocked:  Shadow Manipulation and Healing
Other tidbits: She loves music, especially chillstep and techno. Vigurous, energetic and assertive, although she also likes to go with the flow of things. Easily gets carried away and obssessive when she likes something.
Guardian:  None

[Image: 48749846_VRR4H0F45RWSllg.png]
~ There's nowhere I'd rather be but here with you ~


DozingBear Offline

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  • Entering with Quirlicorn: 374 Fluffy 

  • Magic unlocked:  Body Swap, Mirage Manipulation

  • Other tidbits: Fluffy will nom all the cake >:3 

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men....


AshTheDreamer Offline

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  • Entering with Quirlicorn:  845 Butterscotch

  • Magic unlocked:  Endurance, cupcake shindig, Gem Growth, Skill Proficiency

  • Other tidbits: Competitive and loves to run, usually has a laid back and chill attitude


Midnitella Offline

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Entering with Quirlicorn: 139 Flatline - https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...hlight=139

Magic unlocked: None

Other tidbits: Mischievous and trouble seeking, but light hearted and fun


Lyricanna Offline

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Partners have been rolled:

Please be sure to draw your Quirlicorn sparring with your assigned partners and then link your completed art in a new comment on this thread.

@Damien has been paired with @Midnitella drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...hlight=139
@Revan-Dawnstar has been paired with @AshTheDreamer drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...hlight=845
@Bay-Blade has been paired with @Damien drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...hp?tid=381
@Humble-3 has been paired with @Bay-Blade drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...p?tid=7117
@DozingBear has been paired with @Humble-3 drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...p?tid=5072
@AshTheDreamer has been paired with @DozingBear drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...hlight=374
@Midnitella has been paired with @Revan-Dawnstar drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...p?tid=2020

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Bay-Blade Offline

2nd Biggest Quirl Hoarder
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All Done! Friendly Jaunt

[Image: 58398778_L6HfA1CZYvTY7XY.png]

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