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March/April Joust Pas d'Armes

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Aedrielle Offline

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Welcome to this months Joust Pas d'Armes Sign up thread! Important Note: For the foreseeable future the Joust will last two Months to allow for more time for entries. See the News Update for more information.

To sign up for this months Joust Pas d'Armes, please comment below with the following information:
  • Entering with Quirlicorn:  (please include a link to your Quirlicorns log)

  • Magic unlocked:  

  • Other tidbits: (any other information you feel is important for your partner to know about)

    [Image: dh5b35n-e1a5bdbf-96da-4491-9301-041b8a42...Xbo0iiuc-k]

  • Guardian:  (Guardian must belong to your entered Quirlicorn and have the Joust Reward blessing, you will not qualify for the blessing if you don't include your Guardian in your own piece, your partner does not need to include your guardian as it wont affect the blessing one way or another)

       Deadline Reminders:
  • Sign up Deadline: March 5th, 11:59PM EST

  • Early Entry Deadline: March 31st, 11:59PM EST

  • Submission Deadline: April 30th, 11:59PM EST 

Happy Jousting!

[Image: 43946337_3JMdherxG8QKHQs.gif]

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Bay-Blade Offline

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Entering with Quirlicorn: 1197 Chrexius Phylactery

Magic unlocked: n/a

Other tidbits: He's a bit of a loner and also doesn't really like to hurt others. He'll only truly fight if someone has deeply wronged or hurt him. But! He is happy to help with a playful spar!

[Image: 58398778_L6HfA1CZYvTY7XY.png]

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Revan-Dawnstar Offline

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  • Entering with Quirlicorn:  M509 Ice Fantasy

  • Magic unlocked:  None

  • Other tidbits: She is a mini!  Her head is about level with the underbelly of regular size quirls.  She's a bit shy.  Because of her size, she probably wouldn't directly get into an actual fight, but she'd love to play.  Just don't step on her please!

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Witchcraftsy Offline

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Entering with Quirlicorn: https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...p?tid=7141

Magic unlocked: none

Other tidbits: He's on the large size for a Quirlicorn due to his incentive. While he is usually a gentle soul, sparring or jousting is right up his ally, though he will doe his best to go easy.

[Image: 22902415_69VD4OCsLekSLt0.png]

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DozingBear Offline

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Entering with Quirlicorn:  704 Crow

Magic unlocked: Echolocation, Healing, Glitched , Gem Growth, Anti Zombie

Other tidbits: 
  • Crow is just a silly lil fun-loving guy, supportive of those who are trying to improve themselves and he'll happily engage in a little friendly competition as long as no one gets hurt (he and Loki have a long-running "feud", for example)
  • His familiar is a red-winged blackbird if you want to include familiars :3
  • I don't mind if you would rather write your joust, and I'm OK with you drawing Crow as an anthro if you'd like! 

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men....

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Aedrielle Offline

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  • Entering with Quirlicorn: 2632 Audretta Ceilo

  • Magic unlocked:  Air Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Teleportation, Lightning Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Healing, Energy Manipulation, Telekinesis, Blood Manipulation, Scale Mail, Magic Eater, Alternate Universe, Skill Proficiency, Nap Time

  • Other tidbits: Grey Cat Familiar. A good girl just trying to prove herself and find her place in the world

[Image: 43946337_3JMdherxG8QKHQs.gif]

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Aedrielle Offline

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Partners are announced! 

Please be sure to draw your Quirlicorn sparring with your assigned partners and then link your completed art in a new comment on this thread.

@Bay-Blade has been paired with @Aedrielle drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...2#pid18372
@Revan-Dawnstar has been paired with @DozingBear drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...light=Crow
@Witchcraftsy has been paired with @Bay-Blade drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...p?tid=7437
@DozingBear has been paired with @Witchcraftsy drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...p?tid=7141
@Aedrielle has been paired with @Revan-Dawnstar drawing your character with https://quirlicorns.com/community/showth...p?tid=6808

[Image: 43946337_3JMdherxG8QKHQs.gif]

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Bay-Blade Offline

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@Aedrielle Hope you like the joust!
Training Session
[Image: 79228701_3z1bfu5e8iuXVmL.png]

[Image: 58398778_L6HfA1CZYvTY7XY.png]

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Aedrielle Offline

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Soft Sunlight Joust

[Image: 43946337_3JMdherxG8QKHQs.gif]

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Revan-Dawnstar Offline

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Le Joust


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