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Update to Magics and Mythic Guardians

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Omosky Offline

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Thank you for the feedback Bear! Lol, yeah. When first looking at it with fresh eyes.. it's a wall of text unfortunately.  I know what you mean though. 

Thank you Aedrielle! A devil's advocate is what's needed to polish this! I wasn't sure if staff wanted to just discuss it together or not though. Discussing it will def help polish it up though! Going to touch on the same notes so I (hopefully) don't miss anything. 

Magic Points & System Change

How will this change the Chime System? 
The beauty with the magic points is that the Chime System won't really change much. Mainly only wording would change. 

Too many magics at once? What about older quirls? 
Quirls would still gain their magic at the same rate as they currently do, except instead they can choose to unlock a new magic instead of leveling up a magic. This way, if members want to still apply the current method, it still works in that way and doesn't interfere with it! 

What about modern vs all region Qurils? 
I'm sure you know the Chime levels well, so I won't repeat all the levels. The first mutation gene that unlocks a modern quirl to all regions is at 150. Upon reaching that, players would receive their fifth magic point also. They could unlock: five lesser magics; three lesser magics with two at level 2; two lesser magics with one mastered and the other at level 2, or master 1 lesser and greater magic; with four of those points being allocated in their quirl's starting region if modern. However, just like with the current system members won't be forced to allocate their magic points right away! They could hold onto them and wait to allocate them when they would like to.

Maybe too many magics at the start, making it confusing?
Those who wish to allocate their quirl’s points in a different region, but have a modern horse, are more likely to wait until chime level 150. 
On the other side of that, some members may like the region their quirl is in, and already have a greater magic they wish to obtain. In which, since it would be a requirement to master a lesser magic before they can learn and master any greater magic in that region, they’ll allocate their points on just two magic, and be right where they would be as if following the old system. 
If a member wants to allocate their quirls magic points as they get them to just start unlocking the ones they want, it might get a little confusing. 

There are a few ways to solve the confusion problem though. The simplest solution is to emphasize on keeping trackers updated. If it’s not added to their quirl’s tracker before being looked at by staff for an event (land challenge or where else it makes a difference), then the change doesn’t count. It may seem a bit harsh, but trackers with proof links are a must for any closed species and it is an individual's own responsibility to upkeep.

What happens to older Quirls if the new system is added? 
There are a few options.
  • Left as is.
  • Given whatever magic points they’d be missing to allocate.
  • Allowed to revamp their magic completely and start fresh with however many magic points they would have at their quirl’s chime level.
Ultimately, the answer to that depends on the feedback from a testing phase. Another question posed to them could be “If implemented, would you like to officially re-do you quirls’ magic?” 

There are already several ways to get magic, why change it?
Yes, I realize there are many ways to get magic, and those ways wouldn’t change! The reason why I proposed this suggestion though, is because of two things. 
  • The first, the current system is confusing and takes a bit to get it down. Magic points would streamline the system as in “you get 1 magic point to allot.” That itself is easy enough to understand if anyone has ever played any of the Elder Scrolls, Dragon Quest, D&D, etc games. 
  • Second, it is also currently impossible to fully customize what magic you want for quirls due to RMM (Regional Magic Mastery) and AMoaR (All Magic of a Region). RMM and AMoaR force you to choose two regions to have your quirl learn magic in, even if you don’t want them having certain magics. 
  • RMM is also a bit redundant. It will be even more so redundant if more mythic familiars and magic blessings they provide are added. Example, say you selected the Mountain region for a quirl’s RMM. Your quirl also has a Chimera, Fairy, and a Griffin. At the end, you really only receive level 1: Mediumship, Empathy, and Aura Reading; as you already have the other three lesser magics mastered thanks to the benefits of the mythics. Those three, also can’t be leveled up at any point. 
  • With Magic points instead, that is 6 points inplace of RMM in which a member may allot and obtain the magics they want for their quirl. This new system prevents certain magics from being “wasted” and a regret of not being able to obtain a specific path for a quirl. 
  • If a member wants a lot of lesser magics unlocked and at level one on a quirl, then they can. If they later decide to change it, Phoenix’s Touch would still allow a quirl’s magics to reset as well. So when someone finishes all levels of their quirl’s chimes, they can use a phoenix’s touch and reset all magic points to re-allocate again!
  • The numbers I provided was to show what things look like when all magic points are used on a scale of extremes. If someone uses all of a quirls points on all lesser magics and not going over level one, that’s 36 lesser magics and 7 points unused. Same on if someone wishes to go to the extreme to master as many greaters as they can. With 43 points and a requirement to master 1 lesser those specific regions, that is: 3 mastered lesser magics, 15 mastered greater magics, and 4 points left over. With which could be used to master one more lesser magic and unlock a sixteenth greater magic. If mythics are then assigned to give 1 magic point each, and at the current amount, that’s an additional max of 21 points that can be allocated. 
  • The thing to remember about the magic points, is that you don’t get the full 43 right away. As said, designated areas currently in the chime system where a member’s quirl gains a magic/magic level is when they get points. So..
    • 20 - 1 point
    • 40 - 1 point
    • 80 - 1 point
    • 100 - 1 point
    • 150 - 1 point
    • 250 - 4 points
    • 400 - 6 points
    • 1000 - 28 points
  • The reason for keeping it to that method is the same as the current, to help members settle in and have a chance to understand it before applying too much of anything.
  • As for quests, magics could still be awarded, but this opens up different routes. Maybe only already obtained magic can be randomly leveled up? (Ex, level 1 Illusion, receive a level up and it becomes level 2.) Maybe unique magics that can only be obtained through quests? Or maybe a quest obtained currency that can be spent in a quest shop? A random chance to come across a random quirl/foal to adopt that is special in some way, can’t be obtained any other way? Some with certain new mythic familiars, by chance and no other way? Chance of increasing luck? So many possibilities!


I honestly did think of just having the weakness stationed to where the land is. I had:
  • Region + Strong / Weak
  • Desert / Icy
  • Icy / Plains
  • Windy / Desert
  • Plains / Windy
[*]However, there is an issue with just one weakness. You are then directly making a “who is the strongest here” situation. This would make a lot of matches very predictable in their outcomes. Especially if getting to choose your opponent. If weaknesses are determined by the last land a quirl was in, and have two weaknesses per region, there is more of an even ground and it would be less likely for the system to be taken advantage of.

As for determining the LKL (last known location), this again goes back to trackers. Land quests and chime images would be easy enough. However, if event participation becomes required to be listed in trackers, that will make LKLs all the easier to find. LKLs will only be determined by those works: chime images, quest images, and event images, and the one chosen will be the most recently added before the start of the Land Battle event. 

How to get everyone to list event participation? 
Simply make it a requirement for entry comments/posts to be put and linked to in trackers. If they aren’t linked, then rewards can’t be given. Again, a bit harsh, but it will get members to link their event participations in their trackers. This would only count for if/when starting forward with the new system. Past events participated in won't have to be linked.

What about Modern Quirls?
It’s actually 150 chimes and there is a requirement that only land owning quirls may enter Land Battle events. So if a quirl has land, it’s been through the land quest at least once, 72 chimes worth, or it has completed all of it’s chimes level, 1000 chimes worth. Assuming they’re done with a ref or some other image worth at least 6 chimes, they would only need another 72 chimes (one more land quest), to reach 150 chimes to have access to all regions. 

Yet, this goes back to the weaknesses chart and the chime chart as well. Such a quirl would only have a little magic, and as you said, they would have a great advantage/disadvantage, most likely the later. So if lands have two weaknesses, and it is dependent on where the quirl last was, it makes the changes of an even match between a low leveled quirl and a higher leveled quirl much more likely. 

Another consideration are jousts, chimes obtained from jousts, and endurance overall. Land Battles basically aren’t going to be entered by entry level members. There should probably be a small endurance requirement added to go with the owning land requirement.

I’m with you all the way! Overall, it might take a testing phase with a few fake trackers to see how things might turn out. Having staff and a group of members to act as testers would help a lot to see where something needs tweaked! Using a doc/spreadsheet as fake trackers for their quirls, they could test the magic points system on current and new quirls. For their older quirls, they can track the dates on their art to track time vs chimes earned vs etc.. Then when a handful of new quirls finish their chime levels, end the testing period and ask the involved individuals their thoughts on it. Did they have any struggles keeping it up to date? How often did they get confused? Ups and down to both systems? Etc.. This will allow the most accurate feedback on the proposed new system. As well as make sure nothing is rushed into, and allows for things to settle with the move before there is a change.

Oh gosh, I’m so sorry for the length. XD

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Update to Magics and Mythic Guardians - by Omosky - 10-12-2020, 08:26 AM
RE: Update to Magics and Mythic Guardians - by Omosky - 10-15-2020, 07:49 AM

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