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The Day Magic Died - Swamp Region

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Keir Offline

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(11-16-2021, 08:03 PM)ToxicFriu Wrote: Shadow looks around, lost for ideas. Finally, she sees a big stick and thinks it may be the best tool she can find to try and dig the item out. Normally, she would try using her fangs to unlodge the item, but with the magic the way that it is, she is afraid of what might happen.

With all of the moisture many sticks in the area are quite flimsy.  Be aware that it may not hold up.

Cackling in the distance


ToxicFriu Offline

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https://www.deviantart.com/toxicfriu/art...-898407279 > Second Prompt: This was a bad idea


AshTheDreamer Offline

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Wriggle wriggle

Gluttony is actually making an effort


Keir Offline

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Keir stood with the other Deities in a small area of the Astral Realm, as they discussed the sudden appearance of multiple trees in their regions. 
"It is too much of a coincidence," Aberfa was saying. "I have these strange dreams during the Equinox, then these trees show up and have strange dark objects embedded within them?"
Aberfa used her magic to share the image of the object that had been in her Mountains Region tree.
"Yes, that is very much how mine looked," Jagmeet agreed, the stoic Plains Deity seeming more concerned than he normally was. One by one the other Deities agreed, and Keir quietly nodded along with them. The swamp deity had other thoughts on the matter, but kept quiet. 
Zahavah, who had been watching over all from a distance, appeared before them. 
"I, too, have pondered this," she said, and the Deities turned to her. "But I have an idea. Not about the objects, per say, but about the trees."
So Zahavah led the other deities to see what she surmised. 
Keir returned to the swamp, feeling both irritated and in the mood to have some fun (a dangerous combination for the deity to be sure). 
Fortunately when he found his... minions, they were exactly where they were meant to be. With the news he bore, there was no other option.
The object was loose and mostly out, but the sapling wasn't looking too great. Keir clacked his teeth, a bit of a rattle coming from his throat as he breathed out a sigh. He saw the remains of a stick... and what was that in Gluttony's tail? 
Well, it was one way to use resources, Keir supposed. He wondered momentarily if it was bones that Gluttony had found... or if the mare had eaten the creature for its bones. Both seemed likely. 
"Trees exactly like this have popped up in the other regions," Keir informed. "All with objects like this. I will be taking the Dark Artifact with me." 
"Dark Artifact?" Shadow questioned, with a raised eyebrow. Gluttony's stomach seemed to growl in agreement. 
"It was the term the other deities decided upon. It is not like the artifacts we know, which bless us with magic. Instead, it seems to do the opposite. Take magic away," Keir explained, his attention mainly on the artifact as he pulled out the bag Zahavah had given them. 
"Why does that matter for a tree?" Gluttony asked. "Trees are for eating, not stealing magic from."
"This is a special tree," Keir said, as he tucked the now bagged object away. "A sapling, born from the Sacred Dew Tree, and seemingly connected to it. The Dark Artifact was stealing magic from our very source."
The ramifications of the statement set in, and the two mares exchanged a glance. 
"Your new task is to nourish this tree, help it heal and grow," Keir said as he turned to look at the mares again. "I will be taking this Artifact to the other deities for study. I will be back shortly."
With that, the Swamp Deity did what he did best, disappeared into the shadows.
Prompt: You are tasked with helping the young Sacred Dew Tree recover from the influence of the Dark Artifact
(542 Words) +3 Chimes (500 Literature= +2, Event + +1)

Cackling in the distance


AshTheDreamer Offline

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Gluttony and Shadow attempt to "fertilize" the sapling to help it feel better. They are both quite proud of themselves and their bright ideas.


Keir Offline

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(11-27-2021, 02:06 AM)AshTheDreamer Wrote: Gluttony and Shadow attempt to "fertilize" the sapling to help it feel better. They are both quite proud of themselves and their bright ideas.

[Image: giphy.webp]

Cackling in the distance


ToxicFriu Offline

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Entry 3; Fertilizing the Sapling: https://www.deviantart.com/toxicfriu/art...-899609783


AshTheDreamer Offline

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Prompt 3: Fertlizing the sapling


Keir Offline

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As you tend the tree, it begins to perk up, and magic begins to swirl around the sapling and you. The magic fills you, bringing with it pure light and joy. Your body begins to glow, the blessing of magic infusing you momentarily before it flows out of you, a golden light entering the tree. The essence of the magic within the world seems to gather, infusing the tree with its glowing golden light. Before your eyes the tree begins to grow, branches spreading and the trunk thickening. It is as if a hundred years of growth infuse it, along with the magic, as leaves grow and shed, endless cycles of years passing in mere moments. For a moment, the magic fills the area completely, a quite noticeable presence. It's as if all the threads of fate led to this point, this moment, blessing the brave Quirlicorns like yourself who put aside their own needs to help the deities, to help your world.
The tree's growth slows, reaching its final stage. Before you where a sapling once stood, choked by dark magic, is now a fully grown and impressive Sacred Dew Tree. The tree's branches sway slightly in a gentle breeze, and a single dew falls to your hooves, not like any seen before. 
The Deities gathered around the Sacred Dew Tree, or rather, the original Sacred Dew Tree. The discussion over the Dark Artifacts had progressed little, no Deity truly knowing what to make of the strange objects.
But the discussion came to a halt as magic rushed around them, their full power returning. Gasps of awe came, and murmurs of shock, as magic swelled, and the original Tree began to glow, shimmering light racing up its trunk, over its branches, and through its leaves. 
"Magic is back," Frysil sang, his eyes glittering with awe. "Back in full force!" 
Anevay stomped a hoof. "Finally!" she said, with a huff. Keir agreed with a snort of his own.
Jagmeet nodded in agreement. He was a lot more contained in his excitement, as was Haukea, but both of their eyes held that same shine of joy. 
Aberfa was quieter about it, her expression a bit more troubled.
"It does seem to be so," Zahavah said, gazing up at the tree.
A moment of silence fell over the gathered Deities as they stood in wonder of the free-flowing magic. 
"We must reward our helpers," Jagmeet said, and the others nodded. 
"I shall keep watch over these Dark Artifacts, and study them further. Go, and attend to your heroes," Zahavah said, and the Deities nodded and dispersed. 
The master of shadows and swamp passed through the land as a silent shadowed breeze, heading for where he had left his Quirlicorn servants... er helpers. The return of magic had made the Swamp Deity less cranky, but also quite happy to get back to his regularly scheduled shenanigans. 
He couldn't help but hope that Gluttony hadn't eaten the tree or the other Quirlicorn. That was not quite the mess he was hoping to clean up today, nor did he feel like having to explain that to anyone. 
But thankfully Keir found that both Quirlicorns were still alive and the tree.....
Oh my. Keir hadn't known what to expect when he got back, probably a few more months of having to treat the tree and take care of it and he certainly wasn't a gardener. But instead, a fully grown Sacred Dew Tree stood where the sapling had. 
"What on earth did you give that thing?" Keir said, appearing from the shadows between the two mares. 
"I uh, gave it a goose," Shadow said, startled by the sudden appearance of the swamp Deity.
"I pooped on it!" Gluttony said with a grin.
Keir looked between the two, and if he had eyebrows they would have been raised sky high. 
"Ohhkay then," Keir shook his head, then noticed the fallen dews.
"And what...?" Keir moved closer, inspecting them, a rattle coming from his throat as he did. 
"Congratulations, the tree appreciates your work," Keir said, gesturing to the dews. "These are Dews that contain raw swamp magic. And the other deities have agreed that we are to gift you as well."
Gluttony's stomach rumbled and she looked around as if expecting that her gift was a feast, Shadow taking a slight step away from her. 
"What kind of gift?" Shadow asked. 
"Magic. Gluttony, for your work," Keir began, giving a bit of a skull faced stare at the mare. "You are gifted with the magic of Disarming Voice. It will allow you to put other creatures at ease, relaxing them in your presence." 
"So... I can hunt easier?" Gluttony said, tilting her head. "More food?" 
Keir sighed slightly but nodded. "More food," he confirmed.
Gluttony gave a grin that was probably the last thing many animals saw. 
"And Shadow, you are gifted with the magic of Animal Investigation. You can read the minds of animals without them sensing your presence," Keir said, and Shadow nodded in thanks. 
A shadow seemed to swirl around the two Quirlicorns, laced with magic, before it settled into their skin, their beings. 
"Thank you, from all the deities," Keir said, disappearing into the shadows almost as quickly as he came, his haunting laugh following. 

(882 Words) +4 Chimes (750 Lit +3, Event +1)

Cackling in the distance

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