As stories like to say, this mare was born out of the deepest darkest part of the swamp or was it the deepest darkest cave? No one can quite agree on that part. Either way, Absinthe Nyx did not have a usual upbringing. She was abandoned at a young age left to fend for herself. Her parents probably thought that should would be left for dead considering the wide variety of dragons that were around. Instead, she was adopted by these dragons who raised her and taught her their ways. It isn't certain whether it was her Inkheart dragon that made the others dragons feel that in essence she was one of them.
Most certainly she was not born with either her skull head, tripple horns, and traditional tail, but somewhere between being abandoned by her parents and being picked up by the dragons, she was given these gifts (or curses depending on your point of view)
-- She stands at 15 Hh
-- Nyx lovingly calls her Inkheart Dragon Slate. Slate is rarely seen still upon her coat as long as she is awake. He is often rushing around, sometimes hiding withing her skull. Whenever he does take a moment to rest, he is either on her belly or on the roof of her mouth. He isn't fond of people touching or staring at him for too long. When this occurs, he can freeze up and curl into a ball. Then, Nyx will snap at whoever had made him uncomfortable.
-- Absinthe Nyx can be quite brash, having little to no filter. Often with this, she can have trouble realizing where she may have offended someone or where she may have stated something false. From her point of view, it is extremely important to tell others what she is thinking truthfully without minding how it may make them feel. This can mean that others struggle to get along with her, finding her to be quite mean.
-- When she makes friends, she makes them for life. Due to her upbringing and being abandoned so young, Nyx can have trouble creating worthwhile relationships. Which means the ones she make are often for life and she will go to the ends of the earth for you.
-- She couldn't care less for busy work. She knows when she's being used for a job someone couldn't be bothered with or with a job that was given as an excuse to get her to leave. When that occurs, she will either loudly proclaim her dislike or simply just not do it and instead choose to do something more to her liking.
-- Nyx won't stand down from a fight and is a ruthless fighter. If someone dares to challenger her, she isn't afraid to get her coat and teeth dirty. She won't give up until she is certain that she is the overwhelming victor or that she's unable to move. However, before she goes through with a fight, she makes certain that whoever she is fighting truly wants to take her on. Unless they attack her first, then all bets are off about how nice she plays. She has no respect for those who choose to not respect their opponent.