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Revan-Dawnstar Offline

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Posts: 1,195
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Joined: Jun 2020
Reputation: 2
Favorite color: Revan-Dawnstar
All Accounts Posts: 1,196

Points: 25,630.67€
1 Attached Account
[Image: 753_by_quirlicornadmin_dexyolr-fullview....qA4_Utt5IA]

Previous Design

Owner: @Gr8ves

ID: 753
Name: Shaakir
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Mystic
Color: Mystic (Twice Blessed Chimera Blue Roan Melanistic Inkheart Skelicorn)
Genos: Mystic
Region: Swamp Region


Mystic Magic: All Swamp Region
Level 50 Event Magic: Chaos Golem
Level 100 Event Magic: Cupcake Shindig
Level 250 Event Magic: Bottle of Rum
Level 400 Event Magic: Song of Cleansing
Level 400 Lost Magic: Augmentation
Level 700 Event Magic: UNKNOWN
Level 700 Lost Magic: Phasing
Astral Magic: Chaotic Influence
Level 1000 Event Magic: Fire Mimicry
Level 1000 Lost Magic: Shield
Regional Mastery: Plains Region

Other Magic: Plasma ManipulationTeleportation, Hydrokinesis, Ataxia, Teleportation
Artifacts (6, 9): Memory Manipulation, Toxicinetic Immunity Electrokinesis
Official Event Magic: Regional Transformation, Golden Goose, Gem Growth, Anti-Zombie, Skill Proficiency, Scale Mail, Color Changer, Snowball Fling

Entropy Region Unlocked!


Regional Items: Carabiener (x2), Finger Trap (x1), Fish (x1)

Guardians: Ungulate (C111), Phoenix (C119), Roc (C132), Hellhound (C133)

Land Owned:  L117, L128, L164, L165, L195, Holy Land 173, L243, L227, L228, L118, L255, L254, L266 and L267[/url]

Monthly Incentive: December 2020

Phoenix Touch: [url=https://quirlicorns.com/community/showthread.php?tid=3302]LINK

Lineage: Starter

Breeding Slots:Sterile

Chime Checks:
Levels 50-400 - 100 Update
Level 700
Level 1000
Level 3000

Breed © Astralseed
Design ©Gra8ves

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