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Revan-Dawnstar Offline

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[Image: 794_by_quirlicornadmin_deaosvz-fullview....Am-DaQ1si8]
Previous Design

Owner: Quilricorns

ID: 794
Name: Udelia
Gender: Mare
Breed: Modern Quirlicorns
Color: Silver Black with Rainbow Shine (pearl carrier)
Genos: EE aa ZZ  nprl
Region: Windy Region
Follower of @Frysil

Personality: Udelia is a mare who likes to go where the wind takes her, and just ride the current. Her sense of adventure often gets her into interesting predicaments, and she will most likely go along with any hairbrained scheme thrown her way. Udelia has a sense of direction which leaves much to be desired, so it's not all that surprising to find her wandering around the Windy Region asking for directions. So a word to the wise for those who might cross her path - don't rely on her for guiding you where you need to go. 
Udelia's favorite things include flying, bothering Frysil, and collecting shiny pebbles, especially those who mimic the rainbow sheen to her coat. While some might see that as vanity, Udelia sees them as "Oh, Shiny!" and has a few small hoards of them stashed in various places with the Windy Region. If you come across a random stack of shiny pebbles hidden in a small crevasse, it was most likely Udelia who put it there. 
As a free spirit, this mare rarely if ever holds a grudge. Live and Let Live, and just have fun would be the closest thing to a motto she has. She is more than happy to chat off the ears of anyone who she meets, so feel free to say hello if you see her in the Windy Region!


1st Magic:
2nd Magic:
3rd Magic:
Astral Magic:
Regional Magic:
Group Horse Magic: Sound Manipulation, Lightning Manipulation, Gas Manipulation, Cyclone Generation, Wingless Flight
Other Magic: Golden Goose

Small Familiar:
Large Familiar:

Land Owned: 

Monthly Incentive: December 2020

Phoenix Touch: 


Breeding Slots:
1. @QueenSunshineMonster || 1951
2. @Belldejour || 2117
3. @MistMasquerade
4. @LovellaTorendo
5. @Humble-3 || 2669

Slots Added Via Cupid's Arrows
1. @LovellaTorendo 967 || 2226

Chime Checks:

Breed © Astralseed
Design ©Aedrielle

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