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Aedrielle Offline

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What is an Import?

An Import is a character that you currently own that you would like to create as a Quirlicorn. 

Shop - Importing - If you scroll down to the section titled "Importing OCs and Other Horse Characters" you will find a breakdown of what qualifies, and how to import them.

A few things to consider - Is the character owned by you? Have you done previous art or have you had art done of them before(a fullbody image with a background)? Are you ready to recreate this character as a Quirlicorn (double lives are not allowed - once they are a Quirlicorn, they cannot exist in two places at once)? Do you wish to have passable mutation genes if applicable? 

Importing a Character/OC

If you are still interested in Importing a character and have considered how you would like to proceed, then head over to the Importing and Customs board where you will see a smaller form at the bottom for Importing. 

Link to art of Character: This is where you link applicable art for the character (remember, at least one fullbody with a background is required to import) 
Link to proof of ownership: (if applicable) - If there is a question of ownership, you will link the proof here (such as proof of purchase, ownership logs for other breeds you may be importing from, etcetera, unless created by you)
Are you importing a Free Character or would you like to purchase Mutation allele's for it?: This is where you indicate if you would like to purchase applicable mutation genes for your future Quirl. If so it can be done via PayPal or DeviantArt points!

What Next?

Once your Import is accepted, you will get a response with your ID number, and Genes/Color associated with them. 
Then you get to transfer their design!

Using the Import/Starter lines linked at the top, you can transfer the design onto the base. There are both PSD and PNG files available, but if something you need is missing from the PNG file list feel free to ask in the Discord Server! 

After that, head over to the Design Nexus and fill out the Starter/Import Form (second one listed).

For Example-

Link to Design:  A Link to your new Quirlicorn's design. Please make sure to use a link to an applicable image hosting site (DeviantArt's Sta.sh feature works great for this!), instead of the attachment feature so the image can easily be saved.

Importing/Custom Thread: This is where you link the Import Thread where you received your ID and genos!

Owner: Your name!

ID: List the ID you received here
Name: What is their name?
Gender: What is their Gender? (Mare or Stallion please) 
Breed: ___ Quirlicorn (Modern/Ancient/Color Fusion) - This is where you list their breed that you were given when importing
Color: This is where you list the color you were given when importing
Genos: This is where you list the geno given when importing. 
Region: ___ (if no mutation genes are present and it's not an ancient Quirlicorn with base coat mutation pick a single region, otherwise it is All Regions) - If you opted to purchase Mutations for your Import, it will be All Regions. If not, select a region for them!

Monthly Incentive: ___ (Month and Year) - Monthly incentives do not apply to Imports, and as such listing "N/A" here works great

Lineage: STARTER - Imports start without lineages, so no need to make any changes!

Breeding Slots: You can feel free to list slots to yourself or others here, but this can be changed whenever you would like using the Log Update Requests board once your Quirlicorn is accepted. 


Breed © Astralseed
Design © if this is a design you created, you may list your name. If its a design that someone else created, you would list them as the Designer, and list yourself as the one who transferred the design. (For example: Design By *name here*, Transferred by *your name*)

Last Notes: 

Choosing to Import an existing character is a fun way to get into Quirlicorns and develop them further! Its a simple process and is a great resource for growing your herd. Just remember, you can only import 10 characters in a calendar year, so choose wisely! 

[Image: 43946337_3JMdherxG8QKHQs.gif]

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