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Update to Magics and Mythic Guardians

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Omosky Offline

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Area: Magic, Chimes, Deity Quests, and Guardians
Urgency: No urgency.
Suggestion: A restructure for the magic system, magic from mythic guardians included (re-balance them).
Additional Information: There are several reasons for this running through my head. Off of the top, simply to streamline the gained magic concept, make it simpler to understand, to allow a bit more flexibility for choosing magic, and possibly add in some more excitement! 
Sometimes it takes me a few tries to explain something that everyone can understand. So please, ask questions if confused! ^_^

  • This also isn't an all or nothing. but I'm not half-baking the suggestion either. I'm just going to lay it out how I can see it. As it is right now, it's a one-sided thought without any friends to go "oh, but we can do ___ !" It is very possible there is some aspect I don't see because I'm too "close" to the entire thing.

With the current chime system, as is, it is possible to achieve
(depending what one chooses for second and third magics, and if they've applied all possible magics)
  • 6 level one Lesser magics
  • 7-9 completely mastered Lesser magics, with 6 being from the same region
  • 5-7 completely mastered Greater Magics, with 5 being from the same region 
  • 1  Astral magic 
Meaning: Mastering all magics in 1 region, and dabbling with 0-9 magics in other regions depending on your choices for your quirls. This could easily turn to 2 regions with mastered greater magics. That involves mythic guardians though. More on that near the end.

First up. 
When asking for the reasoning behind the current reason why chime magic is done the way it is, weakness was the reason. So, let's focus on that real quick. Characters grow as they're used, and the chime system reflects this. However, as characters grow, learn how to deal with a weakness and compensate/become stronger in that area, they often find a new weakness/become weaker in another area. Now, keep that in mind and bear with me for the rest until we get to discussing weakness.

Changes to gaining Magic from the Chime system.
Instead of gaining specific levels to a single chosen magic, what if Magic Points are gained instead? 

Why Magic Points, what's the difference? The points would allow a member to choose to either level up a magic, or to gain a new magic. So at chime 20, you get your first magic point, which obviously is going to be used to gain your first lesser magic. At chime 40, you would receive a second magic point. Now, the member has an option. Unlock a new magic, or level up a magic? Do you balance or specialize your character? 

Sounds a little overpowered? All in all, if you count all current and total magic level ups and new magic gains, that is 43 total points, excluding the 1 Astral regional magic. 
  • The amount of points is only the first check to the balance. 
  • The second check; there are only 30 greater magics available to choose, and we cap it at only 25 can be learned. Not mastered, but learned.
  • The third check, your quirl must have 1 mastered lesser magic before you can have any mastered greater magics in a specific region. Want to master Golem Summoning and Necromancy in the Plains region? Your quirl will have to master one of the six lesser magics first.
  • The fourth check is weakness. There is a section for this after the numbers with magic points.
  • Then comes the fifth and final check to the balance, mythic guardians. This will be gotten to last.

With the change to magic points in the chime system, it would be possible to achieve (again, depending on how one wants to allot them and accounting for only is all 43 points are used)
  • 1 - 36 level one lesser magics
  • 0 - 21 level 2 lesser magics
  • 0 - 25 level 1 greater magics
  • 0 - 15 mastered greater magics (hello glass cannons)
  • 1 Astral magic
Those are just the possible min and max to the extremes. This also allows it so a quirl doesn't have to completely master a region's magics for a few they want, unless members want that for their quirl.

This section is divided into two parts. The reasoning for this is.. 
One, so members may continue to grow and use their characters as they wish & get used to and/or practice part 2. 
Two, to have a fourth check in a balance that will be needed for land battles and any other forms of true pvp interactions.

Part 1: On the Regions/Magics page, add to each section on which magics each land is strong/neutral/weak there. That's it. Members may take this into account for their characters if they wish, but they don't have to. This would suggest that depending on where a quirl lives, travels, and where their land is depends on their current magical strengths and weakness regardless of unlearned/learned/mastered magic. This goes back to the whole, characters change and as such so can/do their weaknesses. 

Part 2: With the chart being determined by land, this means weaknesses are bound to the land where deities live and not to outright to the qurils and deities themselves. This also does not pit magic against magic as much, and only goes off of the natural environment and a natural effect that would occur when being there for a time. Think of the lands as being full of magical energy from the deities being there and quirls are like batteries. So a quirl who was recently in the Wind region for land quests would have a stored up amount of Air magic in them.
Theoretical chart.
  • Amplified - the natural magic of the land the battle is taking place.
  • Weakened - two magics
  • Neutral - all other magics

What does this effect though? 
This would affect pvp events, like land battles, and have any other effects members might wish to put their characters through. This does not mean that any learned magic has a limitation to use. Only a limitation in power when being applied to battle. Think of amplified as being stronger than normal. Neutral is normal. Weakened is less than normal. This is already similarly in use when talked about as for picking a region for a quirl to start in..This goes beyond that, and for battles, the last region the Defender quirl and Challenger quirl were "seen" in would be used for their chart. Which, thus, would affect the strengths of the magic the owner's chose for their quirls to use.

Defender Example: Desert region. Fire magic would be the strongest for the defender to use. Air and Water magics are the weakest the defender could use. All other magics would have normal effects on the challenger.
Challenger Example: The quirl was last in the WInd Region for deity quests. Air magic would be the strongest for the quirl to use. Dark and Earth magics would be their weakest to use. All other magics would have neutral power. 

Owner's choices for their quirl's actions would have a direct effect on how well their quirl does in a battle. If they are the defender, their best tactic would be to use their strongest Fire attacks for the added power from the region they were in. It wouldn't do them much good to try to use Air or Water magics due to the power weakness, even if some of their mastered magics are in that area. The same concept goes for if they are the challenger. This type of power check will help create a balance with magic points.

Mythic Guardians: 
Currently, there are six that provide dark magic (three of which give venom), four each in psychic and water magics (two in water which give water breathing), and that leaves fire, earth, and air magic with only two each. If you're seeing an influx of quirls choosing the greater magics Plague Magic and Probability Manipulation for their second and third magics, it's because those are the only two not covered by the guardians. Meaning, with the Cocktrice, Harpy, Selkie, and those two magics chosen, a quirl has all of the Swamp greater magics mastered long before reaching All Magics of a Region. Which, when they do reach it, the member then gets to choose a whole another region for their quirl to completely master. I wouldn't be surprised to see a large number of quirls currently taking advantage of this, and it leaves everything out of balance as is. So regardless, re-balancing these would be for the better. There are two ways to do this though. One is to look at it as if magic points will be added in, and the other as if they won't be.

Let's look at the mythic guardians and their current blessings as they are.
  • Arachne: additional legs and *venom. 
  • Basillisk: Basilisk *scales and *venom. 
  • Chimera: *additional heads, or snake tail, and dream projection. 
  • Cocktrice: cock head and life eater. 
  • Dragon: dragon *scales and treasure/gold x2. 
  • Fairy: plant magic and telepathy. 
  • Griffin: griffin *talons and clairvoyance. 
  • Harpy: *Talons and/or feathered tail. 
  • Hell Hound: treasure/gold x2 and hellfire manipulation. 
  • Hydra: *additional heads and *venom. 
  • Kirin: kirin scales and golden horn/hooves. 
  • Kitsune: fox tail(s) and illusion magic. 
  • Leviathon: water generation and water *breathing. 
  • Manticore: scorpion tail and lion mane. 
  • Mermaid: mermaid *scales and water walking. 
  • Naga: naga scales and half snake body. 
  • Phoenix: immortality and pyrokinesis. 
  • Roc: size 20-30hh and air manipulation. 
  • Selkie: shapeshifting and water *breathing. 
  • Thunder Bird: feathers and lightning manipulation. 
  • Troll: saplings charm and golem summoning.

All *'s pertain to the same or very similar blessings. 16 out of the 21 mythic guardians provide a blessing for magic. As it stands. they allow for 8 greater and 9 lesser magics to be mastered. When added to a total count of the current chime magics system, that is from 6 level lesser, 18 mastered lesser, and 13 mastered greater magics |or| 6 level 1 lesser, 16 mastered lesser, and 15 mastered greater magics. Which again, the balance of the magics they give are off.

For right now, let's balance the visual blessing these guys provide. I noticed the difference between normal guardians and mythic guardians, and wondered why the same type of blessing couldn't be given. It would make it overall more streamlined, and give a few other options. 
Examples. Arachne, instead of  additional legs and venom, it could be changed to additional legs/arachnid traits and venom. Manticore, could be 1 manticore trait and then given a magical blessing.
  • If streamlined, the Kirin, Manticore, and Naga could join the ranks of mythic guardians that provide a magical blessing. 
  • This would allow for a bit more customization and a few other features. Multiple eyes? Snake tongue? Feathery ears?

If chime magic is changed..
Magics in chimes was moved to magic points, mythic guardians could still provide a roll in blessing quirls with magic, but on a much smaller note of 1 magic point per each. This reduces the risk of repeating magic blessings and unbalancing any regions. It more mythic familiars are added, there wouldn't be any real change.

If chime magic is not changed..
Magic stays as is, a portion of the magic blessing should be changed and equalized.
Arachne, Basilisk, and Hyra for example all give venom. 
Leviathon and Selkie both give water breathing.  

Here is a full list of their magic blessings per region.

  • Chimera - dream projection
  • Fairy - telepathy
  • Griffin - clairvoyance
  • Kitsune - illusion
  • Leviathon - water generation
  • Leviathon - water breathing*
  • Mermaid - water walking
  • Selkie - water breathing*
  • Hellhound - hellfire manipulation
  • Phoenix - pyrokinesis
  • Fairy - plant magic
  • Troll - golem summoning
  • Arachne - venom*
  • Basilisk - venom*
  • Cocktrice - life eater
  • Harpy - magic eater
  • Hydra - venom*
  • Selkie - shapeshifting

I thought about adding a little of suggested magic to replace the ones with and possibly to add to others, but I feel like it's time to finally post this. I want to thank the staff for all their hard work, for answering the many questions they get, and the time y'all put in. <3

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Update to Magics and Mythic Guardians - by Omosky - 10-12-2020, 08:26 AM

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