May 2022 Updates
General Group Updates
Current Events
May Races:
Every May Quirlicorns hold a race event. The May races is an event where you are given 4 prompts over the course of the month. The first prompt is always a fullbody side view image of your chosen Quirlicorn racing. These images are compiled and added on a track to ‘race’ against other participants.
Each week a new prompt is given and members who complete their piece before the next week will get to see their Quirlicorn advance on the track.
For each prompt prizes are awarded to each participant no matter if they meet the weekly deadline or not. Bonus prizes are given for including another persons Quirlicorn in prompts for weeks 2, 3, and 4.
Overall this is a great event, with fun prompts and great prizes, that can help you level up one of your Quirlicorns quickly in just a month.
Read More HERE.
Spring Equinox:
For this Equinox we’re celebrating Spring madness with Asani and Peabody. These two have decided to bring a little bit of all holidays to this Equinox.
Read more HERE.
Membership Sign-ups Closed
Due to months long bombardment of spam bots, we have opted to disable new registrations to our forums. We however welcome any new members who wish to join our fantasy world. We are asking that anyone who wishes to join our breed reach out to us via our Discord server, or our group on DeviantArt, so we can get you set up with an account.
Many apologies for this inconvenience.
Inkheart Mutation Retirement
Recently it came to my attention that another breed has a tattoo mutation which by itself isn’t all that surprising. However, I also discovered that when paired with another mutation theirs was very similar to Inkheart. Their mutation existed long before we had Inkheart and there has been no beef or complaints regarding our Inkheart mutation.
That being said, over the years I have tried very hard to avoid creating mutations that are present in other groups already, unless I felt I could make them unique enough to us where they simply weren’t similar anymore. I have passed up really fun mutation ideas because they were too similar to others or I found out about another group having one that is too similar.
overlap will absolutely happen, and a lot of mutations are pretty open ended, but we do not have to actively contribute to it.
For my own peace of mind in this discovery, I have decided to retire our Inkheart mutation actively on June 1st. Retirement for Inkheart will look the same as our other retired mutations where you may still breed for it or use Samhain to mimic it, but we will not allow new Starters with the Inkheart mutation, nor will we allow the mutation to be added to existing Quirlicorns (with the exception of a recessive inkheart updating to a dominant one).
Spring Hunt Results
Thank you to everyone who participated in this years Egg Hunt! Rewards will be added to your banks over the next few days. Please be patient with us as we work through it all.
- 1 - Lineart Page (100 Spirals)
- 2 - Letting Cat Of Of The Bag Event Page (Nat Mystery Custom)
- 3 - Chime Page Mystic Level 400 (1 Dew)
- 4 - FAQ Page Joust Pas d'Armes Section (Sacrificial Lamb)
- 5 - Design Page Moonlight Mutation (Gold Booty Box)
- 6 - Group Horse Page (Land Cleanser)
- 7 - Maps Page (MutMut Mystery Box Custom)
- 8 - May Races Page (nMut Mystery Box Custom)
- 9 - Spring Hunt Page (Traditional Tail Token)
- 10 - Mutation Page Glitter Interactions (Silver Booty Box)
- 11 - Starter 757 Deviation (Regional Blossom)
- 12 - Newbie Page (Group Horse Slot)
- 13 - Starter 097 Log (Mystic)
- 14 - Last years Egg 16 DA Group front page (MutMut Gene)
- 15 - Quirlicorns DA Group Front Page (Phoenix Touch)
- 16 - September 2019 Incentive (Tripple Horn Token)
- 17 - 1415 Arctc Ghost Deviation (Artifact)
- 18 - Astralsteed DA Profile (Bronze Booty Box)
- 19 - Dartfrog Advent 2018 (100 Chimes)
- 20 - Regional Magics Page (Regional Blossom)
- 21 - Sacred Dew Tree Deviation (Event Magic)
- 22 - Twitter Reply Dec 19th Tweet (Artifact Expansion)
- 23 - Quirlicorns FB Page (100 Novas)
- 24 - 1283 Konpeitou Deviation (1 Plot of Land)
- 25 - September 2020 Updates (Entropy region Unlock)
- 26 - Silver Booty Box Deviation (Corrupted Horn Token)
May Incentive - Dinosaurs
A Time Slip seems to have occurred and Dinosaurs were seen roaming near the Sacred Dew Tree. The tree was so intrigued by them that for the month of May 2022, the tree is granting all Quirlicorns bred or imported their own Dinosaur qualities. The Dinosaur qualities added to your Quirlicorn are up to you but please keep in mind that they must still be recognizable as equines.
May Quirlicorn Of The Month
876 – Paras
Paras is one of the Quirlicorns that comes to mind when we bring up our dino incentive. While she may not have been as active as others yet, Paras has been seen participating in jousts, Solstices, and other official Quirlicorn events.
It’s with great pleasure that we bestow Quirlicorn Of The Month of May 2022 to Paras!
Change Log
- Spring hunt Forum was opened and then closed for the Spring hunt, it will return again next year
- Fixed some permission issues in the Help Desk Forum that had allowed Guests to view threads in this forum
- New account registrations disabled to help stop spammers
- Added Guardian section to Chime Checks (to list Guardians with Chime Check rewards)
- Preparations for Inkheart retirement starting June 1st
- Eggs went up for the Spring Hunt, and will be removed in the coming days