Annual Quirlicorn Activities

Zombie Apocalypse by AndromedasWitchery

The Quirlicorn breed has various annual events, which are designed to be fun ways to use your Quirlicorns.
Participating in events is entirely voluntary, there are no requirements to enter any of them.  

Solstices & Equinox'

Other Annual Events

What are the Solstice and Equinox events?

The Solstice’ and Equinox’ are sacred to Quirlicorns, as their worlds magic becomes heightened, granting Quirlicorns far and wide a temporary magical boost. 

Solstice and Equinox events are our breeds main events that happen 4 times a year (on each Solstice and Equinox).  During these events Regional Transformations as well as Regional Magics the Quirlicorn will later earn, are temporarily unlocked.  Participating Quirlicorns get to be hands on in shaping official lore for the breed by expanding on the prompts given. 
Additionally all participating Quirlicorns who add the corresponding Deity to their entry are also awarded a special magic.  

Solstice & Equinox Page

What is the Easter Hunt?

Each spring Quirlicorns holds an easter egg hunt where people may participate by finding eggs and winning prizes.  
Eggs are hidden all around the breed, often using designs directly from the Quirlicorn breed.  If you own a popular Quirlicorn, you may see it pop up as an egg in this event.  
This is an easy going event where people can egg hunt as their schedule allows.  There’s no pressure to participate, nor is there pressure to ensure all eggs are found.  The goal is to have fun while exploring the breed.  

What is the Races Event?

Every May Quirlicorns hold a race event.  The May races is an event where you are given 4 prompts over the course of the month.  The first prompt is always a fullbody side view image of your chosen Quirlicorn racing.  These images are compiled and added on a track to ‘race’ against other participants.  
Each week a new prompt is given and members who complete their piece before the next week will get to see their Quirlicorn advance on the track.  
For each prompt prizes are awarded to each participant no matter if they meet the weekly deadline or not.  Bonus prizes are given for including another persons Quirlicorn in prompts for weeks 2, 3, and 4.  
Overall this is a great event, with fun prompts and great prizes, that can help you level up one of your Quirlicorns quickly in just a month.  

What is Quirltober?

Quirltober is a month-long event with daily prompts to help get your creative juices flowing.  
Quirltober is held from October 1st through October 31st.   

Quirltober 2020

What is the Quirlicorn Advent Calendar?

Every December Quirlicorns hosts an Advent Calendar event where a new advent is posted daily from December 1st though the Winter Solstice. 
People are encouraged to enter daily, to be eligible to win great prizes.  
Our Advent Calendar is another easy going event, where the only effort on your part is commenting on the Advent pieces on the day they are posted.  
Our breed uses this event as a way to give back to our community.  

Other Quirlicorn Activities

The Quirlicorn breed has various annual events, which are designed to be fun ways to use your Quirlicorns.
Participating in events is entirely voluntary, there are no requirements to enter any of them.  

Mini Events


What are Deity Mini Events?

On occasion our Deities will run mini events.  These can be small art creation events, scavenger hunts, or pretty much anything else under the sun.  Basically these are mini events (events that don’t run long and/or don’t require a significant amount of effort to participate in) that are posted by our Deities.  

What are Spreading Positivity Mini Events?

We like spreading the love within our community so often run small mini events that are focused on rewarding people for doing or saying something nice about other members.  

What are New Mutation Giveaways?

Often when we create a new mutation for the breed we also hold giveaways to help get the mutation out to members.  
Generally two will be presented to the community and one will be raffled off while the other may be bid on to win it.  

What are Chat Event Giveaways?

Quirlicorns will hold chat event giveaways in our Discord channel from time to time.  
These events happen randomly and may be something like basic trivia or simply giving rewards to people for being active in the server.