____Current Events ____Land Quests____ Various Updates

July 2024 Updates

General Group Updates

Current Events

Junicorn:Participate in the fun of Junicorn now until July 6th! Find out more HERE

JdpA:  Currently Running

Summer Solstice: Housing Boom! Now until August 20th. Find out more HERE

Update Recap

We had a couple updates happen in the previous month. For the full breakdown check out each of the update logs but for the short and sweet:


  • Website Loading Issues & Submission for Events: We have been having issues with the website loading. To combat this we instituted a way to submit for events via Discord, and announced some leeway in various deadlines.
  • Land Quest Changes: As of June 2024, a Quirlicorn’s first set of Land Quests only requires one Quest per region as part of the ‘New Landowners Initiative’. Those who have completed quests previously can still do a set of Quests with only one Quest per region.

July Incentive - Toys

The Sacred Dew Tree was impressed by some craftily made toys, and extended it’s blessing to Quirlicorn’s bred or Imported during July 2024. Quirlicorn’s may have doll joints, patchwork, wind up, or other toy like features. 

July Joust Theme

This Months Joust Theme is Glass

To find out more visit the Monthly Joust Page. 

June Quirlicorn Of The Month

009 – Kitalpha


Kitalpha is an old face to the Quirlicorn breed who has come out of hiding recently! It’s fantastic to see one of the original Quirlicorn’s active and we can’t wait to see what he gets up to next! 

Change Log


  • Verbiage updated to reflect the changes to Land Quests on the Land Quests page. 


  • Threads added to be able to submit event responses via Discord 

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