Table of Contents

We know that designing can be a bit of a pain if you’re not familiar with genetics.  We’ve put together a simple guide to follow for designing, though encourage you to google horse colors and markings to have a better understanding of what they should look like.  

Base Coat Colors

Black horses are well, black. While they don’t have to be pitch black, they need to be within a range of blackness that can still be considered black rather than grey or any other color. 

Smoky Black is a black horse with a single Cream gene added. Cream dilutes the black coat. Generally Smoky Black horses are still close to black in color, but with a brown tint or tone.

Smoky Creams are homozygous cream blacks, and very difficult to visually distinguish from cremellos or perlinos.

the coat color most associated with the champagne gene. It is produced by the action of champagne on a black coat. The body coat is chocolate, the mane and tail a darker shade. The legs may also be slightly darker.

Grullo or Grulla is a black horse with the dun gene. 
Information on the Dun gene effect can be found in the Modifiers section. 

Blue Roan is a black horse with the roan gene. 
Information on the Roan gene effect can be found in the “Other Genes” section. 

  • E- — creates a black base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • — A- creates a red base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — nCr or E- — CrCr creates a blue base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • — A- nCr or — A- CrCr creates a pink base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — nCh/ChCh and — A- nCh/ChCh creates a purple base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — prlprl and  — A- prlprl creates a yellow or orange base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — nCh nCr/ChCh CrCr, — A- nCh nCr/ChCh CrCr and E- — Crprl, — A- Crprl create a green base coat OR an invisible base coat
Any other genes will show on top of the voided coats, like Tobiano, Sooty, Roan, Dun, etc
Mutation genes that cover the base coat will also cover voided genes.  
If you choose to have an invisible coat instead of a colored one, please note that any genes not affected by void will still need to show above the invisible coat, as well as bearing in mind that horns, hooves, and eyes will also be visible.  

A horse coat color that features black points on a red base coat. All bay horses have a black mane, tail and legs (except where overlain by white markings), caused by the presence of the agouti gene. Most have black hairs along the edges of their ears and on their muzzles, and occasionally will have a slight darkening of the hairs along their backbone.

Wild bay, also called light bay, is a shade of bay. As all bay colored horses, wild bays have a reddish coat with black points (mane, tail, lower legs and ear tips). However, wild bay distinguishes itself from normal bay as the black on the lower legs doesn’t reach up unto the knees.

Buckskin is a hair coat color of horses, referring to a color that resembles certain shades of tanned deerskin. The horse has a tan or gold colored coat with black points (mane, tail, and lower legs). Buckskin occurs as a result of the Cream gene acting on a Bay horse. Therefore, a buckskin has the extension, or “black base coat” (E) gene, the agouti gene (A) gene , which restricts the black base coat to the points, and one copy of the Cream gene (nCr), which lightens the red/brown color of the bay coat to a tan/gold.

Perlinos are homozygous cream bays, which also have a cream-colored body but a mane and tail that may be somewhat more reddish in color than a cremello.

The coat is gold with chocolate points. Just as there are varying shades of bay, the gold body coat may vary in shade as well. The legs are often lighter than the mane and tail, and the colored points may be difficult to see. The mane and tail may also have “frosting” or light edges, a trait that also occurs in Bay Duns and some Buckskins. Amber champagne can be confused with buckskin or bay dun.

These horses are a very light tan to white color with slightly darker points and dark blonde mane and tail.

  • E- — creates a black base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • — A- creates a red base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — nCr or E- — CrCr creates a blue base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • — A- nCr or — A- CrCr creates a pink base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — nCh/ChCh and — A- nCh/ChCh creates a purple base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — prlprl and  — A- prlprl creates a yellow or orange base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — nCh nCr/ChCh CrCr, — A- nCh nCr/ChCh CrCr and E- — Crprl, — A- Crprl create a green base coat OR an invisible base coat
Any other genes will show on top of the voided coats, like Tobiano, Sooty, Roan, Dun, etc
Mutation genes that cover the base coat will also cover voided genes.  
If you choose to have an invisible coat instead of a colored one, please note that any genes not affected by void will still need to show above the invisible coat, as well as bearing in mind that horns, hooves, and eyes will also be visible.  

Seal Bay is a hair coat color of horses, characterized by a near-black body color; with black points, the mane, tail and legs; but also reddish or tan areas around the eyes, muzzle, behind the elbow and in front of the stifle.

Whilst these are carrying bay agouti – they have a clear definition between their black legs and body color which is one visual distinguisher between bay and brown – a burnt buckskin is generally described as any shade of buckskin that has a ‘sooty overlay’ or burnt appearance over the entire coat.

The black areas of the seal bay coat are lightened, while the reddish areas are more golden, and may have lighter eyes.

is visually difficult to distinguish from classic champagne. The body coat is chocolate, the mane and tail a darker shade. The legs may also be slightly darker.

The body coat is diluted chocolate color, the mane and tail a slightly darker shade. The legs may also be slightly darker.

ee/aa ee/A-
Chestnut is a red coat color that can range from light rich oranges to dark browns (liver chestnut). While chestnut tones can generally be a bit more saturated that many other coat colors, they can not be clearly unnatural colors like highly saturated red or orange.

ee/aa/ nCr ee/A-/nCr
Palomino is a genetic color in horses, consisting of a gold coat and white mane and tail, the degree of whiteness can vary from bright white to yellow. Genetically, the palomino color is created by a single allele of a Cream gene working on a “red” (chestnut) base coat.
Chocolate palominos may be a dark chocolatey color with light hair.

ee/aa/CrCr ee/A-/CrCr
Cremellos are homozygous cream chestnuts, and have a cream colored body with a cream or white mane and tail.

ee/aa/Ch ee/A-/Ch
The coat is gold, and the mane and tail are typically ivory. In some cases, the mane and tail may be self-colored, matching the body coat. These gold champagnes are sometimes called “dark gold” and may be an all-over apricot shade. Dark gold champagnes can be confused with red dun, while those with paler manes and tails were historically called “pumpkin-skinned palominos.”

ee/aa/Ch/Cr ee/A-/Ch/Cr
Gold Cream horses will basically look white or be a very very light golden color.

Red Roan is a Chestnut horse with the roan gene. 
Information on the Roan gene effect can be found in the “Other Genes” section. 

  • E- — creates a black base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • — A- creates a red base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — nCr or E- — CrCr creates a blue base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • — A- nCr or — A- CrCr creates a pink base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — nCh/ChCh and — A- nCh/ChCh creates a purple base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — prlprl and  — A- prlprl creates a yellow or orange base coat OR an invisible base coat
  • E- — nCh nCr/ChCh CrCr, — A- nCh nCr/ChCh CrCr and E- — Crprl, — A- Crprl create a green base coat OR an invisible base coat
Any other genes will show on top of the voided coats, like Tobiano, Sooty, Roan, Dun, etc
Mutation genes that cover the base coat will also cover voided genes.  
If you choose to have an invisible coat instead of a colored one, please note that any genes not affected by void will still need to show above the invisible coat, as well as bearing in mind that horns, hooves, and eyes will also be visible.  

[e-/a-] nW [E-/A-] nW
Ancient Quirlicorns have white base coats with a single color for markings of any shape and size on top of the white base coat.

[e-/a-] nW [E-/A-] nW
Ancient Quirlicorns with Base Coat Mutation have base coats that are any one single color (black, blue, brown, red, etc) with a single color for markings of any shape and size on top of the base coat.


A horse coat color that features primitive markings: a slightly darker hair shade from the base coat located in a dorsal stripe along the horse’s backbone, horizontal striping on the upper legs and sometimes transverse striping across the shoulders. These markings identify a horse as a dun as opposed to a buckskin or a bay.

The Silver gene creates a milk chocolatey to white colored mane and tail. Color may fade from the base to the tips but if there is a fade the fade must go from the base to the tips rather the tips to the base (tips will be lightest). Silver may also lighten the base coat color a shade or two as well as create dapples.

Pearl is a dilution gene similar to cream or champagne in that its presence dilutes the coat color a few shades. Pearl, like flaxen, is a recessive mutation which means it needs 2 alleles to express (prlprl). The exception to this is if the Creme gene is present (Crprl). If only one allele of the pearl gene is present without also having a creme gene present the horse will not express pearl and will merely be a pearl carrier (nprl).

Cream is a dilution gene which will lighten the base coat color by a few shades per Creme Allele present. This means the horse will be significantly lighter if two copies of the Creme allele are present.

Champagne is a dilution gene which will lighten the base coat color by a few shades per Champagne Allele present. This means the horse will be significantly lighter if two copies of the Champagne allele are present.

White Markings

Dominant white generally covers the entire horse, making it completely white. When it doesn’t cover the horse completely, it still covers most of the horse. Dominant white works from the bottom up which means any areas which aren’t covered by Dominant White would be along the head or topline. The Edges of Dominant white are roaned similar to Sabino.
We allow Dominant White to be hidden on Mutations or Modern Quirlicorns.

Sabino patterning is visually recognized by roaning at the edges of white markings, belly spots, irregular face markings, especially white extending past the eyes or onto the chin, white above the knees or hocks, and “splash” or “lacy” marks anywhere on the body, but particularly on the belly. Some sabinos have patches of roan patterning on part of the body, especially the barrel and flanks. Some sabinos may have a dark leg or two, but many have four white legs.

Splash is another white marking that comes from the bottom up. Think of splash as someone splashing white color onto the horse from the bottom up. Splash doesn’t necessarily always express on the horses legs. Splash can start on the underside of the belly or even the underside of the neck or head. Splash may cover most (but not all of the horse) or very little. Splash may also be hidden meaning it will not express on the horse.

Tobianos have a vertical spotting pattern, large, rounded spots, white that crosses the topline, but mostly white legs.

Overo can add irregular or jagged white patches, usually with a horizontal orientation. White rarely crosses the back.

Rabicano, sometimes called white ticking, is a horse coat color characterized by limited roaning in a specific pattern: its most minimal form is expressed by white hairs at the top of a horse’s tail, often is expressed by additional interspersed white hairs seen first at the flank, then other parts of the body radiating out from the flank, where the white hairs will be most pronounced. Rabicano is distinct from true roan, which causes evenly interspersed white hairs throughout the body, except for solid-colored head and legs.


a white blanket which has dark spots within the white. The spots are usually the same color as the horse’s base color.


A mostly white horse with a bit of color remaining around the flank, neck and head.


Considered an extension of a blanket to cover the whole body. A white horse with dark spots that flow out over most of the body.


Considered an extension of a blanket to cover the whole body. A white horse with dark spots that flow out over the entire body.


A distinct version of the leopard complex. Intermixed dark and light hairs with lighter colored area on the forehead, jowls and frontal bones of the face, over the back, loin and hips. Darker areas may appear along the edges of the frontal bones of the face as well and also on the legs, stifle, above the eye, point of the hip and behind the elbow. The dark points over bony areas are called “varnish marks” and distinguish this pattern from a traditional roan.


A horse with white spots, flecks, on the body. Typically the white spots increase in number and size as the horse ages.


A solid white area normally over, but not limited to, the hip area.

Other Genes

Sooty trait is characterized by black or darker hairs mixed into a horse’s coat, typically concentrated along the topline of the horse and less prevalent on the underparts.

A horse coat color that features white and dark hairs intermingled together, but the horse has head and legs of the base color with very little white. Roans sometimes have dark areas on their coats similar to Bend-Or spots, called “corn marks”.

Flaxen creates light blonde mane and tail. Flaxen only expresses when both alleles of the gene are present (ff). A horse with the nf geno will always be a flaxen carrier (flaxen will not express because it only has one allele of the flaxen gene).

is a coat color of horses, characterized by progressive silvering of the colored hairs of the coat. Most gray horses have black skin and dark eyes; unlike many depigmentation genes, gray does not affect skin or eye color.[1] Their adult hair coat is white, dappled, or white intermingled with hairs of other colors. Gray horses may be born any base color, depending on other color genes present. White hairs begin to appear at or shortly after birth and become progressively lighter as the horse ages. Graying can occur at different rates—very quickly on one horse and very slowly on another, for this reason grey doesn’t have to express on your Quirlicorn if you do not want it to.  

Pangare is a coat trait found in some horses that features pale hair around the eyes and muzzle and underside of the body. These pale areas can extend up to the flanks, throat and chest, behind the elbows, in front of the stifle, and up the buttock. Animals with the pangaré trait are sometimes called “mealy” or “light-pointed”. The color of these lighter areas depends on the underlying color and ranges from off-white to light tan

RNG Traits

Brindle coloring consists of irregular stripes extending vertically over the horse’s body and horizontally around the legs. Brindle horses can also have a dorsal stripe. It usually does not affect the head and legs as much as the body, with the heaviest concentrations of brindling being on the neck, shoulders and hindquarters.

Bend O Spot range in color from slightly darker than the horse’s coat to an almost-black shade.

Birdcatcher spots are small white spots, usually between 1 mm and 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter.

Chimera presents itself when a horse has two sets of genetics expressing themselves on the horses coat. Think of Chimera as mixing two separate horses with different designs into the same horse.
In cases where Mutation Genes are present Chimera may allow for a second design of the Mutation gene(s) present, but may not add additional Mutation genes which aren’t already present in the geno.

Somatic is similar to Chimera however instead of having a whole new geno Somatic merely turns one allele on or off. For example if you have a black horse geno that is Ee aa you could turn the E allele from the Ee gene off to create a chestnut pattern ee aa
In cases where Mutation Genes are present Somatic may turn a Mutation gene off in various areas of the design, however Somatic may not turn a mutation gene on that is not already present in the geno.

Lacing looks like someone put a doily on a horse and made it part of its markings along its back.

The term melanism refers to black pigment and is derived from the Greek: μελανός. Melanism is the increased development of the dark-colored pigment melanin in the skin or hair. Pseudomelanism, also called abundism, is another variant of pigmentation, identifiable by dark spots or enlarged stripes, which cover a large part of the body of the animal, making it appear melanistic. Quirlicorns with Melanism may be completely black or they may display Pseudomelanism. Melanism covers mutation genes appearance. Pseudomelanism may be used to only cover some of the coat beneath.

Albinism is the absence of pigmentation or coloration. Quirlicorns with Albinism will have pink skin and white to creamy white shades of fur/hair. Albinism covers mutation genes giving them an albino appearance.

Similar to Melanism and Albinism, this RNG trait will make the coat and patterning redish.  
Reds can range from rusty red to soft pinks. 

Double horn gives the Quirlicorn a second horn in front of the first one. In Markhors it gives a second set of Markhor horns in front of the first.

Metallic Shine gives the Quirlicorn an intense sheen similar to metallic sheens over the coat.

Rainbow Shine creates a rainbow sheen over the Quirlicorns coat.

Color Addition adds one additional marking color to the markings of Ancients.


Summer is slowly coming to a close but not before gifting us a new Mutation. The Apoidea mutation was discovered earlier this summer but until now it was unknown if the mutation would pass to offspring or not. Now that it has been confirmed we are adding it as an officially recognized mutation.
Apoidea is a mutation which covers the base coat with bee or wasp like markings. Markings may directly mimic the bee or wasp it is based on, or they may be a bit stylized.
Apoidea completely covers Ancient Quirlicorns coats and covers Modern Quirlicorn coats with the exception of natural white markings (Dominant white may be hidden).
While these Quirlicorns do not have stingers like bees and wasps generally do, their bite can become a medical emergency if not dealt with quickly. These Quirlicorns are venemous. These Quirlicorns may have antena on top of their heads.
Eyes may be any color, even multiple colors.

Quirlicorns find their roots in a more modern way with this mutation. It is said that over time their chimes with conjunction of modern technology changed these Quirlicorns coats to form this new mutation. Audio spectrum can show in various ways but shows across the full length of the Quirlicorn, sometimes even extending into the tail. Audio Spectrum hides markings on Ancient Quirlicorns, while taking on the marking colors, in Modern Quirlicorns, all paint and appaloosa markings are suppressed to below the hocks (face markings still occur however). In dominant Audio Spectrum Quirlicorns, the spectrum may glow. Eyes and inner side of the horn are the same color as the Audio Spectrum.

The Aura Mutation, as the name implies, gives the Quirlicorn a living breathing and most of all visible aura. The Aura mutation originated in some of the most evolved psychic Quirlicorns, apparently their energy levels reached such a high frequency that they could no longer stay hidden. Quirlicorns with this mutation are also extra charismatic.
Auras are subject to changing color based on how healthy the Quirlicorn is and what they are thinking/feeling at any given time.

The Botany mutation was first found near the Sacred Dew Tree. It is assumed that the tree longed for more plants and then blessed Quirlicorns coats with the Botany mutation as a gift to itself.
The Botany mutation covers the base coat of the Quirlicorn with plant designs/markings and even turns these Quirlicorns partially into plants meaning they can have living breathing growing plants coming from their bodies. The plants may bloom, shed leaves, have leaves that change color with the seasons, have skin made of bark, etc. All plant types are welcome, however each Quirlicorn is restricted to only one plant unless the Twice Blessed gene is also present. The type of plant is determined by the base coat color in Modern Quirlicorns and white markings cover the Botany mutation. In Ancient Quirlicorns any plant type is okay.
All White markings go over

Roans, Sooty, pangare, Dun, and Grey = Standard Effect

In Modern Quirlicorns the type of plant is decided by the base coat color.

Chestnut Base: Chestnut, Palomino, Cremello, Gold Champagne, Gold Cream

Temperate region plants like pine trees, roses, tulips, etc

Black Base: Black, Smokey Black, Smokey Cream, Classic Champagne, Classic Cream

Polar and Subpolar region plants like mosses, grasses, lichens, etc

Bay Base: Bay, Wild Bay, Buckskin, Perlino, Amber Champagne, Amber Cream

Desert region plants like cacti and succulents, etc

Seal Bay Base: Seal Bay, Burnt Buckskin, Burnt Perlino, Sable Champagne, Sable Cream

Tropical and Subtropical region plants palm trees, rubber trees, Lianas, corpse flowers, etc


Markings will resemble those of any single type of plant

China is a newly discovered mutation in Quirlicorns, though it is still unknown how or where exactly it came from. It is believed that this mutation originated in more ‘high class’ Quirlicorns. Their appearance tends to be more dainty than sturdy and their personalities can often leave much to be desired. None the less, this beautiful mutation was born.
The China Mutation displays as intricate blue markings similar to those found on fine chinaware. Sometimes golden accents may also accompany these intricate designs. In Ancient Quirlicorns China keeps the base coat white (it will suppress the ancient base coat mutation, beware!) and markings will be beautiful shades of blue on top of the white base coat. In Modern Quirlicorns, China may fully cover the base coat making it white (just like with ancient Quirlicorns), OR it may become white in the areas where China markings are displayed. In Modern Quirlicorns Markings may only display on top of white.
Eyes may be any color.

The Dart Frog mutation gifts the Quirlicorn carrying it with the coat colors and patterns of a dart frog. It is said that Quirlicorns who lived in the more tropical regions merged their magic with dart frogs and the dart frog mutation was born as a result. The Dart Frog mutation completely covers the coats of Ancient Quirlicorns, and covers all but paint and appaloosa markings on Modern Quirlicorns. There are a wide variety of eye colors seen within this mutation, but it will always be a color shown on the Quirlicorns coat.

The Displaced Horn Mutation is pretty straight forward.  Quirlicorns with this mutation may have their horns placed outside of the standard horn placements.  While the mutation alone does not change the horns (You’ll need to apply corrupted horn tokens for that), they may be shortened or made a little bit smaller if displaced.  
Quirlicorns with this mutation may have the horn(s) displaced anywhere on the body that is above the bottom portion of the belly.  A combination of Twice Blessed and Displaced Horn is required for horn placements below the lower part of the belly (leg placements etc).  

Displaced horn(s) are also restricted from being placed on or as genitals.  

Foxfire was found in Quirlicorns living deep in forests who had started consuming bioluminescent mushrooms as a regular part of their diet. It appears that over time these Quirlicorns started growing glowing mushrooms from their bodies and from them vein-like glowing markings would expand. In Some Quirliconrns glowy veins were found even without mushrooms present. While Foxfire in the wild don’t usually have much color variation, in Quirlicorns there has been no limit to the colors which may be shown within the glow, however, unless the rainbow Gene is also present, the Foxfire mutation will not express more than 2 colors at a time. On Ancient Quirlicorns markings allowed to be replaced by the Foxfire. Foxfire and Ancient markings do not have to be the same color.
Foxfire colors are expressed on the Horn and eyes.

The Frost Mutation, as the name implies, gives the Quirlicorn frost across the topline, along its tail, and can also be on their legs and face if desired (for reasons unknown frost will not stick around their eyes but may attach itself to their eyelashes). This is a newly discovered mutation, perhaps because the natural coated Quirlicorns make this mutation more apparent. Frost can come in shades of blue,purple and or green, but must always be near white. In warmer climates these horses may express less frost and instead appear to always be wet or moist. When combined with fire magic, steam has been known to raise from the frosted areas.
Eyes will be Blue, Purple, or Green depending on which color or colors are in the frost.

The Glitter Mutation, as the name implies, gives the Quirlicorn glitter through it’s coat, but usually not on their face, mane or tail. It is believed that this mutation originates from the glittery reflections found in snow, as most other Quirlicorn mutations are related to their surroundings. Glitter can come in any shade or color and may even be seen with as many as 3 different colors on a single Quirlicorn. Since the Glitter mutation doesn’t usually touch the Quirlicorns face, it does not affect eye color.

Inkheart is a muation that was discovered in a tribe of Quirlicorns who have sacred tattoo rituals. It appears as though the deities have blessed these Quirlicorns with tattoos they are born with.  Furthermore these tattoos can come to life on the coat meaning they are living breathing creatures living on the Quirlicorns coat.  Deep bonds and friendships are generally built between Quirlicorn and their tattoo because of the constant companionship.  

Inkheart allows for tattoos of a single creature on the coat.  Additional stylzed additions to the tattoos are welcome too.  Inkheart goes above all other markings modern or ancient.  While the tattoos are animated however, you may see them hide behind markings from time to time.  Tattoos are restricted to the Quirlicorns body unless Twice Blessed is also present.  
Tattoos may come in any single color. 

The Markhor mutation is a recently discovered one. While hiking in the mountains we came across this wonder. It appears that Quirlicorn magic merged with a herd of Markhors who live nearby and created this mutation.
Quirlicorns with this gene grow markhor horns instead of the standard Quirlicorn one. It is yet unknown if a Quirlicorn with the Markhor gene is able to also grow the standard Quirlicorn horn or not, only time will tell.
Aside from growing Markhor horns, Quirlicorns with this gene will also have at minimum a beard, at maximum a full neck and chest of hair. Normal manes may still be displayed with this mutation, but are not necessary.
While this gene alters the general appearance of Quirlicorns, it does not alter the coat in any way.
Eyes may be any color, or even multiple colors.

The Moonlight mutation gifts the Quirlicorn carrying it with a whispy glow along the topline which is said to represent how the Quirlicorn envisions the beauty of the moons light at night. Originating in colder regions where sunlight is often sparse, Quirlicorns relied heavily on the moon to light their path. It is said that over time some Quirlicorns were blessed with a glowing coat as a result of their devotion to the moon itself. Moonlight markings are part of the Quirlicorns coat and are not raised off of it. The light shining from the markings may radiate off of the coat a bit (as light naturally does) but may not create a strong glow like the Aura mutation for example, nor does it allow for glow in areas other than the markings. Moonlight may be expressed as white, yellow, red, or blue. Moonlight goes over most other mutations and/or markings leaving them visible underneath.

candles are fun

Everything in life needs a bit of balance, good with the bad, dark with light. It is believed that this is how the Plague mutation came to be in Quirlicorns. It is still unknown how long this mutation has existed but enough of them have come out of the wood works to make this mutation known now. Quirlicorns with this mutation are not the kind you want to make friends with or have wandering through your land. Plague Quirlicorns give off a foul stench and the things they touch can easily become weak and ill. In Ancient Quirlicorns the Plague mutation allows their basecoat to be any color. Ancient Plague base coats may show a range of gradiented tones within the same color (range of reds for example). In Modern Quirlicorns the Plague mutation affects the way white markings appear. White markings may be more stylized and may take on toxic like colors. Modern Plague Quirlicorns may also have coats that are a bit more saturated than you’d usually see. Plague Quirlicorns may have toxic whisps coming off of their bodies and/or hairs. These Quirlicorns sometimes also wear Plague Doctor masks.

The Polar mutation was recently found while traveling through the Icy Regions. As in many other regions Quirlicorn magic seems to have merged with the wildlife of the Icy Regions, creating the Polar gene.
Quirlicorns with this gene will take on coat patterns of an acrtic creature. Patterns may be a bit stylized as long as the animal they came from is still recognizable.
Polar mutation completely covers Ancient Quirlicorns coats and completely covers Modern Quirlicorns coats with the exception of Natural White markings which show on top of the mutation (Dominant white may go under the mutation however).
Eyes may be any color, or even multiple colors.


The Quasar Mutation was found in a herd of Quirlicorns that had been living in seclusion and worshiped the stars. It appears as if their deep devotion brought the stars right to them, clinging onto their coats. It is said that Quasars are the brightest thing in existence so these Quirlicorns felt truly blessed when one was born with such a coat.
Quasar completely covers the coats in Ancient Quirlicorns, and covers all but paint and appaloosa markings in modern Quirlicorns. Quirlicorns blessed with the Quasar mutation will display Quasars on their coats. Those with Dominant Quasar may also have Quasars that appear to live and breathe on their coats (the quasars may have movement).

The Rainbow Mutation, as the name implies, gives the Quirlicorn Rainbow colored markings. It is said that the original Rainbow mutation Quirlicorn touched a rainbow which then infused with its genetics changing the colors of its markings. It is unsure if this lore is actually true however it is the best explanation around for this particular mutation.
All colors of the rainbow may be present if the owner wishes, otherwise a minimum of 3 colors is required.
On Natural coated Quirlicorns the rainbow colors attach to any white coloration on the coat (paint markings, roan, stockings, blaze etc)
Eyes will be within the same range of colors expressed on the Quirlicorn.

Rooster is a newly discovered mutation which closely mimics markings/feathering found on Roosters or Chickens. The Rooster mutation is unique in that the colors may shift a bit as light hits the coat differently. This effect imitates iridescence on feathers in theory, all the colors are already present on the coat but you will only see certain a one(s) depending on the angle of the light hitting the coat.
The Rooster Mutation covers both ancient as well as modern coats. In Modern Quirlicorns, White markings will go above Rooster however (Dominant White may be hidden). Some feathers may be found growing out of these Quirlicorns coats.
Eyes may be any color, even multiple colors.

The Samhain mutation has been seen for centuries during the fall months lurking from the sidelines, though it has only recently become more widespread in Quirlicorns. Samhain has been a difficult mutation to track because it can act like a wild card of sorts, either giving the Quirlicorns carrying this gene a Halloween themed coat OR allowing their coats to mimic the patterns of other Quirlicorn mutations.
When Samhain is displayed with a Halloween themed coat, the possibilities are pretty endless as long as they fit the theme, however major modifications may not be done to the Quirlicorn (removing flesh, adding wings, etc…).
When Samhaim is displayed to mimic other Quirlicorn mutations, it may only mimic one (1) and must adhere to the guidelines of that mutation.

Saxeus is a Geode mutation in which the base coat color of the horse determines what color stone may be picked to design the Quirlicorn. Base coats imitate the appearance of the gemstones they are based on.
All White markings go over (Dominant White may be hidden)

Roans, Sooty, pangare, Dun, and Grey = Standard Effect

In Modern Quirlicorns the color of the stone/geode is decided by the base coat color.

Chestnut Base: Chestnut, Palomino, Cremello, Gold Champagne, Gold Cream

Oranges, Yellows, Whites, or Metallic Ore (golds) (browns okay for chocolate palominos or liver chestnuts)

Black Base: Black, Smokey Black, Smokey Cream, Classic Champagne, Classic Cream

Blacks, Purples, Browns, Blue’s, or Metallic Ore (Silvers)

Bay Base: Bay, Wild Bay, Buckskin, Perlino, Amber Champagne, Amber Cream

Reds, Yellows, Tans, Pinks, or Metallic Ore (Rose Gold)

Seal Bay Base: Seal Bay, Burnt Buckskin, Burnt Perlino, Sable Champagne, Sable Cream

Greens, Pinks, or Metallic Ore (Bronze)


Markings will resemble those of any single type of stone/geode

The Scorched mutation originated in the desert region as the Quirlicorns there took in the heat and learned to adapt to extreme temperatures. Over time their magic merged with the heat creating embers and flames which then began to stick to the Quirlicorns and alter their appearances.
This mutation grants Quirlicorns to literally be flame touched, often leaving scorch marks in their tracks. It may express flames in/over the eyes and/or hooves, and the markings on the body will appear burnt or scorched.
In Modern Quirlicorns all white markings (Tobiano, Rabicano, sabino, appaloosa etc) are covered by scorched. Modifiers like dun or roan are not affected by scorched.
In Ancient Quirlicorns, the basic markings are affected by scorched.
Markings will have a burnt paper look to them, ranging from light tan burns to pitch black scorch marks. Markings may have embers glowing on their corners or speckling the surrounding areas. Hair will take on flame colors.
Flames can come in shades of red, orange, yellow, and blue.

ShSh/ nSh
The Shifted Mutation came about because some Quirlicorns envied those with beautiful mutations on their coats.  As if bound by a spell, these Quirlicorns started being able to shift natural genes to appear as though a mutation gene were present.  

Shifted does as the name implies; it shifts a natural genes appearance to that of a mutation gene of choice.  Shifted will only ever affect a single gene, and will likewise also only be able to mimic a single mutation gene on a coat (even if chimera is present).  Shifted will affect the entire region of the gene affected (In Dun for example, the lightening of the coat as well as the striping is affected).  If the gene being shifted only covers a small region, Shifted will be confined to that region only.  
Since Shifted does not affect the base coat, it is not confined to specifics based on the basecoat for mutations otherwise confined to them (Saxeus or Botany).   

Shifted however, can not alter E- A- Cr- or Ch- genes.  In Ancient Quirlicorns Shifted simply affects the markings on top of the base coat (only one color marking in case a second color marking exists).  


Skelicorns are a type of Quirlicorn whose entire flesh has melted away leaving just the skeletons underneath and mane and tail hair (optional).
Skelicorns were first found near a stock of Dullahan Dews and it is assumed that the Dullahan Dews somehow affected the Quirlicorns in the area. There are a few rumors that Necromancers were the culprits, but with Skelicorns being able to be born it is likely those are really just rumors.
Horse colors/markings cover the skeletons of Skelicorns the same they would any other type of Quirlicorn. Skelicorns do not have eyeballs but are still able to see quite well. Many have glowy lights in their eye sockets, but some have also been seen with empty eye sockets.

SunSun/nSun – MooMoo/nMoo

The Solstice Mutation is newly discovered in Quirlicorns. It appears that the magic of the Solstice has blessed these Quirlicorns coats with cool colors of the moon and/or warm colors of the sun. This mutation comes with 2 different sets of genes. One for the Moon and one for the Sun, depending on the gene carried by Quirlicorns with the Solstice mutation, they will express either Sun or Moon (or both in cases where both mutations are present) on their coats.

The Moon Gene creates a coat made of cool colors. Multiple cool colors may be present or a single cool color. The Moon Gene may also display small stars on the coat or in the hair. In some cases, the moon gene has been found to create frost on the eyelashes of Quirlicorns as well.

The Sun Gene creates a coat made of warm colors. Multiple warm colors may be present or a single warm color. The Sun gene may also create fire in the hair or on the feathering.

In cases where both Sun and Moon genes are present on a horse, Aurora Borealis’ may be displayed on the coats as well.

Solstice Genes alter the coat color only. All markings go on top of the Solstice mutation. This means even ancient markings go over the Solstice mutation.
Solstice genes will cover the Ancient Base Coat Mutation as well.
Chimera or Somatic will create a second Sun or Moon gene, so if your horse only has the Moon gene, it Chimera or somatic create a second moon gene. It will not create a sun gene if none is present in the horses Geno. Likewise Chimera or Somatic will not create a moon gene if one is not already present in the horses geno. On Sun Solstice horses, Chimera and Somatic may only create a new Sun gene.
Eyes may be any color.

The Spectral Mutation gives your Quirlicorn transparency and a fog like tail. These Quirlicorns don’t do well in desert regions since their foggy manes and tails require a lot of moisture to maintain. Staying too long in hot regions without water supplies can cause a faster dehydration and eventual death.
In Ancient Quirlicorns this mutation gives the gift of a base coat color of your choice.
Transparency may not go below 20% and may not go above 90%

The starling mutation mimics the appearance of starling birds found in nature. It is said that a small group of Quirlicorns from the plains developed a special bond with these birds and after time inherited their appearance.
Starling mutation completely covers ancient Quirlicorns coats and completely covers Modern Quirlicorns coats with the exception of pinto and appaloosa markings which show on top of the mutation. Starling Quirlicorns come in all colors of starling and mimic their basic patterns closely, they can however have a more stylized eye marking though stylization should be minimal. Eye colors range from starling Quirlicorn to starling Quirlicorn but are always within the range of colors used in the starling pattern.


SubZer0 was born of Quirlicorns found frozen in time deep into the frozen Tundra. Many wished upon a star for Spectrals to make a come back, but what the heavens bestowed upon them was much better.
SubZer0 Quirlicorns are so cold that their bodies often crack and fog/mist radiates off of their longer hairs. Very cold to the touch, be careful not to get frostbitten! These guys do not do well in warmer regions and are prone to heat exhaustion even at moderate temperatures. Fog/mist may display in the same colors as the hairs or it may be simply white.


Twice Blessed is a mutation which only affects other mutations of the Quirlicorn breed. Twice Blessed appears to multiply the magic of the mutation gene(s) it interacts with. Twice Blessed does not interact at all with natural genes so Quirlicorns with Twice Blessed as the only mutation gene will not display the Twice Blessed gene at all in their designs.  

Regional/Magic Genes

Magic Genes do not affect your Quirlicorns appearance, they are only listed here as a means of showing all possible genetics in the breed.
If your Quirlicorn has a regional (magic) gene in it’s genotype you can select a magic from the corresponding region.  

These magics are an addition to what you can earn/unlock so it helps to think of them as extra magics.  
If more than one regional (magic) gene is present in your genotype you may select one magic for each regions gene is present. 

Recessive genes (nMt, nIce, nDes, nPls, nSwp, nWdy) are only eligible to select a lesser magic from that region as the extra magic for that Quirlicorn.  
Dominant genes (MtMt, IceIce, DesDes, PlsPls, SwpSwp, WdyWdy) on the other hand are eligible to select any magic from that region as the extra magic for that Quirlicorn.

Regional Magics can be found HERE

Mountain Region 

Icy Region

Desert Region

Plains Region

Swamp Region

Windy Region

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