Table of Contents

Welcome to the Sacred Dew Tree

As you walk into the glade, you hear it. The soft hum of a song on the wind, whispering words you cannot discern but yet still understand. She calls to you, this great white willow, her expansive branches letting her long strands blow in the gentle breeze that seemed to never leave. Drawing gentle circles in the shimmering blue waters to her eastern side, she offered nourishment for every weary traveler who came to see her, for there were many.

Quirlicorns come from all the regions around to sip her dews and hear the tales of times forgotten.

Breeding Dews

These are dews that must be applied in the breeding thread before the breeding is rolled.

Ancient's Coming Dew

Ancients Coming Dew

Hark! For when one of the Ancient’s drinks this dew before bedding down with a Modern for the night, a white foal shall be found sleeping under the mare’s tail with the rising of the sun.  Not once will a Modern be blessed through a union when this potion is applied. This white foal, however, is not like its Ancient parent.  For this small white package holds the history of its Modern parent.

Bullet; Black An Ancient type foal is guaranteed when applied to a breeding of an Ancient and Modern.
Bullet; Black The Ancient foal will keep the genetic material of the Modern parent inside [brackets]
Bullet; Red Foals bred with this Dew may NOT physically express their modern genes.
Bullet; Red This dew will NOT work with the breeding of two Modern types.

Mutated Skip Dew

Mutated Skip Dew

Hark! This dew is mystic in color and property! When one of the mature stock takes in this nectar, their child will be gifted with the incredible patterning of their elders! Mutations will radiate from the foals glorious coat, taking on their parent’s blessings as their own!

Bullet; Black The one recessive mutation gene of one parent is passed to offspring.
Bullet; Black A dew may only be applied to one gene at a time, so you will need multiple copies of this dew for multiple genes to pass. May not be used on magic genes. 
Bullet; Red This is the ONLY way to pass Base Coat Mutations in Ancient Quirlicorns. 
(Base coat color can be different from the parents)


Color Fusion Dew

Color Fusion Dew

Hark! The fusion of sweet and savory flavors tell of this dews magic! If a modern Quirlicorn is to drink this before mixing with an ancient, their foal shall be a wonderful chimera of both ancestral lines! Pelts of these offspring are coveted and rare, mixing the beauty of both types in a visual harmony!

Bullet; Black Used when breeding an Ancient and Modern Quirlicorn, the foals will present a blended effect of both types.
Bullet; Black Once bred, the foals type will be ‘Color Fusion‘ rather than Ancient or Modern.
Bullet; Black When breeding Color Fusion Quirlicorns, the breeder will be able to select either the Ancient OR Modern genotype, but not both.
Bullet; Red Mutations earned or bred during a Color Fusion will reflect in BOTH genotypes.

Synthetic Selection Dew

Synthetic Selection Dew

Hark! The swirling flavors of this dew are sure to satisfy any who drink of it! The offspring of those who sip of this nectar will be gifted a rare gift from the heavens, as they will be given an unbreedable blessing of their own!

Bullet; Black Foals are given a choice to select one RNG trait usually rolled at random (Mystics exempt) .
Bullet; Black This dew WILL work on breedings of twins.
Bullet; Red By selecting a trait, all other RNG traits will NOT be rolled for.

Heaven's Wish Dew

Heavens Wish Dew

Hark! This dew is considered one of the greatest gifts from the Sacred Tree, for any pair of Quirlicorns who shares in this dew will bare offspring! Whether a pair of stallions, pair of mares, or anything in between, the gift of life shall shine on them no matter the restrictions of reality!

Bullet; Black Foals may be born from the breeding of two Quirlicorns of the same gender.
Bullet; Black All foals that result from this potion will be marked with a “G” on their ID. (Ex. G7000)
Bullet; Red Only one of these dews may be applied per breeding.

Double Bloom Dew

Double Bloom Dew

Hark! Those who drink of this tropical nectar will find their blessings doubled, for one foal will become two! A pair of healthy offspring will be born to these expectant parents, bringing two lives for the price of one!

Bullet; Black When applied to a breeding, the offspring will be a set of twins rather than one foal.
Bullet; Black The foals do NOT need to be identical twins but may be if you so choose it.
Bullet; Red May not be used in combination with Sacrificial Lamb at time of breeding

Where can I apply these Dews?

These Dews must be added at time of breeding so should be included when you send in your breeding in the Breeding Forum

Simply post a thread with the following information filled out: 
Dew(s) to apply: (add any breeding dews you wish to apply here, including their quantity and what you’d like them to do where applicable)

Please also be sure to send in all other relevant information needed in the Breeding Submission form.  Remember, we can’t roll a breeding for you if the only information we’ve got is what dews you’d like to use 😉 

Dews That Change Your Quirlicorn

These dews can be used to alter your Quirlicorns at any time after they’re created.

Sapling's Charm Dew

Saplings Charm Dew

Hark!  For when one of the mature stock drinks this sweet morsel, their suckling foal will be a third of their size!  They shall be a sapling’s size for the rest of their life, yet can bear those that grow to be trees with ease!

Bullet; Black Foals born with this dew will be under 8hh, ranging from pony and mini sizes to being only big enough to carry a fairy.
Bullet; Black All foals that result from this potion will be marked with an “M” on their ID. (Ex. M7000)
Bullet; Red Not genetically passable! All Mini Quirlicorns will breed normal size foals, even if both parents are small. The foal may BEGIN as small as them, but will eventually GROW into full size.

Wandering Spirit Dew

Wandering Spirit Dew

Hark! The Quirlicorn who drinks of this dew will be overcome with a yearning for adventures and discovering the unknown! Leading them to new lands and learning new magics, this Quirl will be able to master magics of all realms in their scope!

Bullet; Black Allows a Quirlicorn to learn magic from all regions, rather than the one they were born into.
Bullet; Black Any foals born after this dew is used will be able to select a region of their choice, much like those who are naturally all-region Quirlicorns.
Bullet; Red You may NOT use this dew to change already set magics. To change magics, you must use Phoenix Touch.


Cosmic Exchange Dew

Cosmic Exchange Dew

Hark! For those who drink of this strange mix of flavors will find their souls in change! Their bones may become stones where once there were water manes, or even have their fireworks replaced by a coat of butterflies! Their birth month remains the same, but their blessings be changed!

Bullet; Black Allows a Quirlicorn to exchange their Monthly Incentive with another incentive.
:bulletred: MAY NOT use this dew to pick their own current incentive to change their coats! This must be done through Pheonix Touch!
:bulletred: may NOT exchange for:
January 2019 – Companion Incentive
June 2019 – Incentive permissible EXCLUDING: nRbw gene will NOT be included/applied, and you MUST use Heaven’s Wish Dew in same-gender breedings

Color Veil Dew

Color Veil Dew

Hark! Once this tart fruit juice passes the lips of a Quirlicorn, their coat will be found lacking! This tonic will hide away an unwanted trait beneath all others, changing the drinker’s pelt hereafter!

Bullet; Black May be applied at any time, hiding ONE gene type (Dominant or Recessive).(will not remove gene from geno)  One Gene Per Dew!
Bullet; Black The effects of this dew are reversible with Phoenix Touch!
Bullet; Red This will NOT change the base coat genes in any way (Extension(ee/Ee/EE) or Agouti (aa/Aa/AA/Ata/AtA/AtAt)).

Color Blossom Dew

Color Blossom Dew

Hark! This essence of sweetness is a marvel to behold, as the stock that drinks this sweet fruit juice will gain a new trait onto their pelt! Bringing forth novel genes in their coat, this dew will lift the veil and expose their new selves hereafter!
Bullet; Black May be applied at any time, creates the appearance of an added gene! One Gene Per Dew!
:bulletblack: All Gene types (natural or mutation) Color Addition, and RNG Traits allowed!
Bullet; Black The effects of this dew are reversible with Phoenix Touch!
Bullet; Red This will NOT add an actual gene! The effect of this dew is not breedable!
:bulletred: Token traits cannot be added with this Dew!

Dullahan Dew

Dullahan Dew

Hark! Those who sip the nectar of this toxic dew will find themselves unable to taste ever again, for their flesh will melt and their bones be exposed! Left to wander without eyes to guide, but their own soul to see!

Bullet; Black Removes the flesh from a single Quirlicorn skull.
Bullet; Black The Quirlicorn will still function normally, though it will lack eyes or a nose.
Bullet; Black Can be affected by elemental forms (Ex. Crystals growing out of it, Fire in the skull, etc.)
Bullet; Black May be used to create skeleton Inkheart tattoos
Bullet; Red It cannot be used to expose bones anywhere else on the body. 

Shearing Dew

Shearing Dew

Hark! Drinking this tart poison will cause the Quirlicorns skin to itch and coat to shed! Hair will run from its roots in haste! Leaving barren for winters cold, and exposed to the summer heat, naked to all elements!

Bullet; Black Quirlicorn will lose the hair from their Mane, Tail, or Coat. One dew must be used for each piece. (Ex: One dew for the mane, one dew for the tail, and one dew for the coat)
Bullet; Red Cannot replace the hair without the help of the Phoenix’s Touch.

Discrowning Dew

Discrowning Dew

Hark! The Quirlicorns who dare take in this sweet dew will be left with a bitter taste of resent! Thrown from them will be their own crown, their great curled horn dissolved into dust and cast into the winds and gone forevermore!

Bullet; Black Removes all horns from a Quirlicorn.
Bullet; Red Cannot replace these absent horns without the help of the Phoenix’s Touch.

Sleipnir Dew

Sleipnir Dew

Hark! Sweet scent of cacti in spring will be the downfall of those who sip or prick themselves around this cursed dew! For limbs will sprout and multiply on the Quirlicorn’s body, disfiguring their familiar shape by doubling their appendages!

Bullet; Black Allows the Quirlicorn to sprout a new head, limbs, or tails.
Bullet; Black Extra heads can be fully conscious and treated as a separate character attached to the host, like a conjoined twin.
Bullet; Black May be used to create an additional Inkheart Tattoo creature.
Bullet; Red Only one item or set each use. (Ex: One Set of Legs (1 set of front legs, OR 1 set of back legs), or One Head, or One Tail.)

Where can I apply these Dews?

These Dews can be applied in the Item Application Forum. 

Simply post a thread with the following information filled out: 
Item(s): (list the Dew(s) you’d like to apply here)
Quirlicorn: (link the Quirlicorns Log to whom you’d like to apply the Dew(s))

Random Prize Dews

These dews are for YOU, they will randomly roll special items for you. You must send in a note into the group or post a thread to claim these dews!

Fate's Chance Dew

Fates Chance

Hark! Those who drink of this sweet elixir may be blessed by the gods themselves. For those who dance with fate may count their blessings as sacred gifts abound for those lucky enough to find this treasure!
Fate’s Chance Roller
Bullet; Black Rolls a set of desireable items at random, such as Chime, Spirals, Dews, Customs, and Group Horse Slots!
Bullet; Red Cannot be re-rolled; all results are final.

Where can I roll these Dews?

Dews & Booty Boxes can be rolled in the Dews & Booty Box Rolling Forum. 

Simply post a thread with the following information filled out: 
Rolling: (list the Dews you’d like rolled here)
Quantity: (list the number of Dews you’d like rolled here)
a limit of 8 may be rolled at a time

Dew Ranks


Color Blossom Dew
Color Veil Dew
Synthetic Selection Dew
Saplings Charm Dew
Ancients Coming Dew
Fates Chance Dew


Heaven’s Wish Dew
Double Bloom Dew
Mutated Skip Dew
Wandering Spirit Dew
Color Fusion Dew
Cosmic Exchange Dew


Dullahan Dew
Discrowning Dew
Shearing Dew
Sleipnir Dew

How can I Get a Dew?

You can purchase a dew by posting in this thread.
Be sure to title these “Dew Purchase”
Lesser Dew:  400 DA points OR 4$ USD
Greater Dew: 400 DA points  OR 4$ USD
Cursed Dew: 400 DA points  OR 4$ USD

You can also earn dews through sacred spirals, chime points, or by entering our group events!

Regional Blossoms

Playing Fates Dew

These Blossoms are a gift from the regional blossom trees.  Any Quirlicorn bestowed with this gift shall receive blessings from the corresponding region. This blossoms items may be cashed in for a new roll, should you get an item you do not want/need.  
Blossoms may only be rolled from regions which the Quirlicorn has unlocked.


Regional Blossom Roller

Bullet; Black Rolls a set of region specific rewards.
Bullet; Black This blossom is rolled for a Quirlicorn you own, rather than your bank account
Bullet; Red Item drops may be cashed back in as a reroll (2 items needed per 1 reroll)
Bullet; Red If cashing items back in, they must be region specific (2 icy region items for an icy region roll).
Regional Blossoms are not available for purchase
Other dews also may not be exchanged for Regional Blossoms.

Plains Blossom Rolls

Allows for a magic to be swapped for a Plains Region magic.  Lesser for Lesser, Greater for Greater.

Conjure a region specific non Mythical Guardian.  Natural animals which can be found in this region are all acceptable. 

Choose one fully mastered Plains region magic (lesser or greater) 

This item may be cashed in to skip this regions Deity Quests.  (1 item per quest, per Quirlicorn)

Earn an additional Regional Dew from this region (Get 2 rolls) 

Clear a plot of land from the Plains region of all of its curses

Choose 1 plot of land in the Plains region

Icy Blossom Rolls

Allows for a magic to be swapped for an Icy Region magic.  Lesser for Lesser, Greater for Greater.

Conjure a region specific non Mythical Guardian.  Natural animals which can be found in this region are all acceptable. 

Choose one fully mastered Icy region magic (lesser or greater) 

This item may be cashed in to skip this regions Deity Quests.  (1 item per quest, per Quirlicorn)

Earn an additional Regional Dew from this region (Get 2 rolls) 

Clear a plot of land from the Icy region of all of its curses

Choose 1 plot of land in the Icy region

Desert Blossom Rolls

Allows for a magic to be swapped for a Desert Region magic.  Lesser for Lesser, Greater for Greater.

Conjure a region specific non Mythical Guardian.  Natural animals which can be found in this region are all acceptable. 

Choose one fully mastered Desert region magic (lesser or greater) 

This item may be cashed in to skip this regions Deity Quests.  (1 item per quest, per Quirlicorn)

Earn an additional Regional Dew from this region (Get 2 rolls) 

Clear a plot of land from the Desert region of all of its curses

Choose 1 plot of land in the Desert region

Windy Blossom Rolls

Allows for a magic to be swapped for a Windy Region magic.  Lesser for Lesser, Greater for Greater.

Conjure a region specific non Mythical Guardian.  Natural animals which can be found in this region are all acceptable. 

Choose one fully mastered Windy region magic (lesser or greater) 

This item may be cashed in to skip this regions Deity Quests.  (1 item per quest, per Quirlicorn)

Earn an additional Regional Dew from this region (Get 2 rolls) 

Clear a plot of land from the Windy region of all of its curses

Choose 1 plot of land in the Windy region

Mountain Blossom Rolls

Allows for a magic to be swapped for a Mountain Region magic.  Lesser for Lesser, Greater for Greater.

Conjure a region specific non Mythical Guardian.  Natural animals which can be found in this region are all acceptable. 

Choose one fully mastered Mountain region magic (lesser or greater) 

This item may be cashed in to skip this regions Deity Quests.  (1 item per quest, per Quirlicorn)

Earn an additional Regional Dew from this region (Get 2 rolls) 

Clear a plot of land from the Mountain region of all of its curses

Choose 1 plot of land in the Mountain region

Swamp Blossom Rolls

Allows for a magic to be swapped for a Swamp Region magic.  Lesser for Lesser, Greater for Greater.

Conjure a region specific non Mythical Guardian.  Natural animals which can be found in this region are all acceptable. 

Choose one fully mastered Swamp region magic (lesser or greater) 

This item may be cashed in to skip this regions Deity Quests.  (1 item per quest, per Quirlicorn)

Earn an additional Regional Dew from this region (Get 2 rolls) 

Clear a plot of land from the Swamp region of all of its curses

Choose 1 plot of land in the swamp region

Astral Blossom Rolls

Allows for a magic to be swapped for an Astral Region magic.  

Conjure a Mythical Guardian

Choose one fully mastered Astral region magic 

Earn an additional Regional Dew from this region (Get 2 rolls) 

Clear a plot of land from the Astral region of all of its curses

Choose 1 plot of land in the Astral region

Entropy Blossom Rolls

Allows for a magic to be swapped for an Entropy Region magic.  

Conjure a Mythical Guardian

Choose one fully mastered Entropy region magic 

Earn an additional Regional Dew from this region (Get 2 rolls) 

Clear a plot of land from the Entropy region of all of its curses

Choose 1 plot of land in the Entropy region


Tokens are items which you can use to alter specific aspects of your Quirlicorns experience.  Unlike Dews, Tokens can not be bought.  Tokens are primarily available as prizes in our official events. 

Traditional Tail Token

The Traditional Tail Token grants any Quirlicorn it is applied to a traditional Unicorn tail (long tail with a tuft of hair at the end).  

Corrupted Horn Token

The Corrupted Horn Token allows for any Quirlicorn it is applied to to have a corrupted horn(s)
This means standard Quirlicorn horn will morph into another kind of horn.  In the case where multiple horns are present, the horns may even fuse into each other.  

Tripple Horn Token

The Tripple Horn Token allows for any Quirlicorn it is applied to to have 3 horns (or 3 sets)

Where can I apply Tokens?

Tokens can be applied in the Item Application Forum. 

Simply post a thread with the following information filled out: 
Item(s): (list the Token(s) you’d like to apply here)
Quirlicorn: (link the Quirlicorns Log to whom you’d like to apply the Token(s))

Booty Boxes

Booty Boxes are Mystery boxes that reward various RNGed items ranging from Dews to Customs.  
Booty Box Roller


Bronze Booty Boxes are the lowest tier of Booty Boxes.  While these still include higher level rewards, they are much rarer.  


Silver Booty Boxes are the midgrade tier of Booty Boxes. Midgrade tier rewards are more likely to be rolled, while still including lower level rewards which are rarer to roll.


Gold Booty Boxes are our top tier of Booty Boxes.  While these can still roll for lower level rewards, there is a higher chance of rolling top level rewards from these Booty Boxes. 

Where can I roll my Booty Boxes?

Booty Boxes can be rolled in the Dews & Booty Box Rolling Forum. 

Simply post a thread with the following information filled out: 
Rolling: (list the booty boxes you’d like rolled here)
Quantity: (list the number of booty boxes you’d like rolled here)

Sacrificial Lamb

Sacrificial Lamb is an item that will allow you to re-roll or double roll select items.
Got a breeding back and don’t like the results?  Use a Sacrificial Lamb and get your breeding re-rolled for an additional 4 genos to choose from.
Want to increase your luck on a breeding?  You can preemptively use a Sacrificial Lamb on your breeding and get 8 genos to choose from.

Sacrificial Lamb can be applied before or after sending in for Breedings, Mystery Customs, or Phoenix Touches and will always grant you with double the options.  

  • For breedings that means you can choose from 8 genos (16 if you bred twins)
  • For Mystery Customs that means you can choose from 4 Genos (8 if you roll Twins)
  • For Phoenix Touch it means you can choose from 2 Prompts.  

What can I use Lambs on?

How are they sacrificed?

No lambs are actually hurt in the process. The Quirlicorn Deities value the life of even sacrificial lambs, thus they make sure that none come to harm, while still influencing things in honor of the ‘sacrifice’.  

If you use a Sacrificial Lamb, rest assured that you’ll be able to sleep at night knowing nobody was harmed.

Where can I use Sacrificial Lambs?

Sacrificial Lambs can be used in the BreedingPhoenix Touch, and Importing& Customs Forums. 

Simply post a thread with the following information filled out: 
Sacrificial Lamb Use (list this as the title of the thread)
Link: (Link to the Breeding, Mystery Custom, or Phoenix Touch thread that you’d like to use the Lamb on)

If you wish to apply a Sacrificial Lamb at the time of Breeding, Ordering a Mystery Custom, or Phoenix Touching, simply include a note about using a Sacrificial Lamb in your original thread. 
Sacrificial Lamb may not be used in combination with Double Bloom Dews, if you wish to use a Sacrificial Lamb on one of the genos from a Double Bloom Breeding, you may submit it after the breeding as been rolled.

Basket Weaver

Basket Weaver is a sneaky little bastard that grants you something fun! He also is good in a fight.. throw him at your opponents head to create a distraction.   VOILA!  Instant winner! 

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