Official Quirlicorn Maps

Welcome to the Quirliverse!  
Below you will find a list of all of our official maps (may not include Realm Keeper Maps however), as well as a little bit of information about them. 
As the Quirliverse expands we’ll update this section with new Regions or Maps.  

Main Regional Map

This map covers the main Regions in the Quirliverse, where the breed originated and has unfolded.  While there will be more Regions and Maps added to the breed, this map showcases the major regions of the breed, where most Quirlicorns are found and most work is done.  
All Quirlicorns have access to these Regions, while other Regions are restricted. 

Astral Region Map

The Astral Region is off limits to Quirlicorns until they officially reach 700 Chimes.  Once the Astral Region is unlocked for a Quirlicorn they can come and go to this region as they please.  They may even choose land on this map to reside on.  


Entropy Region Map

The Entropy Region was a region recently discovered during our The Day The Magic Died Lore Event.

It is unlocked during special events, and once unlocked a Quirlicorn can come and go from this Region as they please. They may even choose land on this map to reside on.


Quasar Egg

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