Solstice and Equinox Events

Twice a year the solstices and equinoxes can be observed around the globe. (Four yearly observations total, two solstices and two equinoxes)
Quirlicorns gain their magic from the sun and moon respectively and as a result can experience magic they have not yet earned and access their regional transformations during each solstice and equinox.  

Your Quirlicorn may celebrate their respective solstice (summer or winter) or equinox (spring or autumn), though please be mindful of your regions and what parts of the world are currently in Summer and which are in Winter.  For more information on what magics and transformations are available see our Regional Transformations page

Summer Solstice 2024

Below is a short story to go along with this event.  If reading isn’t your cup of tea or you simply would prefer to skip over it, you are more than welcome to do so.  Simply follow the theme for this event, and include the specified Deity and/or Group Horse in your entry for the special magic reward.  

Theme: Housing Boom!

Write or draw about your Quirlicorn checking out available properties and land plots.

Anevay looked around her desert home, and for a moment, felt sad. It was gone in a flash, for she really wasn’t one to mope in her feelings. In mere seconds she had recognized the feeling, and decided to take action.

“It is way too quiet around here,” she muttered, stomping her hoof. “The desert is wonderful! Why don’t I have more residents? All this empty land, for what?” 

Upon this realization Anevay wasted no time gathering the other deities. “We need to do something about this,” she insisted. 

Murmurs of agreement came, and changes were made to the way that land was granted. Feeling happy about this, Anevay returned to the desert.

“This is perfect,” she said with a grin. “This Solstice, we will have an open house! A property boom! New people everywhere!” So Anevay gathered the Group Horses, and set off with a mission – showing off plots of land all over the Quirlicorn Regions.

All Entries that include Anevay or any active Group Horse will also receive Anevay’s Gift “Homespace” 

In addition, all participants will receive 1 Plot of Land to their bank! 


  • Any discipline is welcome 
  • Riders and tack are optional
  • display your Quirlicorn celebrating summer and the housing boom
  • keep your Quirlicorns region in mind when choosing magic and transformations 
  • Only Quirlicorns may enter this show, no other breeds will be allowed, sorry
  • You may only display magic and transformations which you will unlock as your Quirlicorn levels so choose wisely! 
  • You may enter one or all of your Quirlicorns but you are only eligible for participation prizes once during this show.
  • Your entry must be new and for this show
  • Tracing is allowed though we encourage you to try putting your best effort in without the need of tracing
  • Visual, literature, and anthro entries welcome!
  • You must cite any stock or resources used in the artists comment section of your entry
  • ALL Quirlicorns entered in the show get an automatic +2 Chime points 
  • Collaborations are not allowed, all work submitted should be your own

Please link to each Quirlicorn’s log in your entry.  If the log is not linked we can not guarantee that Anevay’s Gift will be added to them.  



Deadline: August 20th, 2024

Deadline Exceeded!

Please be sure to post your completed Solstice entry to our official Summer Solstice 2024 thread.

Previous Solstice and Equinox Events:

Spring Equinox 2024

Spring Equinox 2024 Below is a short story to go along with this event.  If reading isn’t your cup of tea or you simply would

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Spring Equinox 2023

Solstice and Equinox Events Twice a year the solstices and equinoxes can be observed around the globe. (Four yearly observations total, two solstices and two

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Winter Solstice 2022

Winter Solstice 2022 Below is a short story to go along with this event.  If reading isn’t your cup of tea or you simply would

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Fall Equinox 2022

Fall Equinox 2022 Summer was lingering in the air as temperatures and humidity remained well above average over most of the Quirliverse.   Halo checked the

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Summer Solstice 2022

Fall Equinox 2022 It’s been a crazy year so far, Anevay was scratching her head trying to decide how best to celebrate this year’s Summer

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Spring Equinox 2022

Spring Equinox 2022 The Spring Equinox was upon the Quirliverse as Frysil was getting ready to start the celebrations.  Before he was able to however,

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